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Tumult in Vienna: government takes measures

“In Austria, especially in Vienna, we do not want pictures of violence on the streets like from other countries,” commented Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) on the events of the past few days, in which favorites in Vienna in the course of demonstrations related to activities Injured and several arrests had come. That’s why he commissioned the responsible ministers to develop measures, Kurz said.

Police want to take action against backers

These measures include the police taking action against the backers of the riots. The Vienna State Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counter-Terrorism (LVT) had already had a conversation with representatives of all relevant Turkish associations on behalf of Interior Minister Karl Nehammer (ÖVP). “I have commissioned the Office for the Protection of the Constitution to investigate the backers and I also request the clubs, which are mentioned here again and again, to the greatest extent possible,” said Nehammer.

More police presence in Vienna

Furthermore, the police will show increased presence at critical points in Vienna and other cities so that they can intervene if necessary. “I have no understanding whatsoever when an attempt is made to resolve Turkish conflicts on Austria’s streets. The police are protectors of fundamental and liberty rights in our country and will act with all consequence in the event of violent riots and violations of the law,” announced the Interior Minister.

Turkish ambassadors also involved

The Turkish ambassador in Vienna should also be involved in the processes, it said in the message from the Federal Chancellery. Özan Ceyhun was invited to the Foreign Ministry for a talk on Monday. The government expects him to exert a de-escalating influence.

The Federal Government is also holding talks with Vienna about what contribution the city can make to prevent violence. And finally, the documentation center for political Islam, which has already been announced under turquoise blue and is anchored in the turquoise green government program, is due to start work this summer. “This should scientifically examine the networks that are breeding grounds for the extremist ideology of political Islam,” said Integration Minister Susanne Raab (ÖVP).

Violent clashes in Vienna

Since Wednesday there have been repeated violent clashes between Kurdish demonstrators and Turkish counter-demonstrators in Vienna’s favorites. Injuries, arrests and damage to property occurred. On Saturday, a joint rally of Kurdish and left-wing activists – accompanied by a police squad – took place without major incidents.

(Those: APA)

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