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Tucumán lawyers insist on the Ethics in Public Practice Law – Tucumán

He Tucumán Bar Association requested this Friday to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Province Immediately apply necessary regulations to guarantee transparency in the appointments, promotions, and transfers of Judicial Branch officials.

By means of a note bearing the signature of the entity’s president, Marcelo Billone, the lawyers expressed their concern noting that the Tucuman Justice “maintains discretionary systems of appointments, promotions and transfers of employees and officials of that Power.”

The request arises a few days after the appointment of Lucila Bercovich, daughter of the president of la Crote, Claudia Sbdar, as rapporteur of the vowel Daniel Posse.

This interim appointment – until December 31 – was issued on July 22 last with the signature of the supreme judges Antonio Daniel Estofán, Posse, Daniel Leiva and Eleonora Rodríguez Campos.

Bercovich is the fourth descendant of a serving member of the court who comes to that body by a discretionary appointment. Before, Facundo Posse had joined the Court as his father’s private secretary when he took over the presidency (2017-2019) and the trial lawyer María Marta Estofán had been appointed rapporteur for her father, reported The Gazette.

In this sense, the Bar Association recalled that in February 2019 they presented a bill of public ethics to the Province Legislature that establishes principles, duties, prohibitions and incompatibilities applicable to those who perform functions in the name or at the service of the State. However, they pointed out that it had no parliamentary treatment and that there was “no legal norm that imposes such limits on the actions of the Judiciary.”

Lastly, “they called upon the highest authorities of the Supreme Court of Justice, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Pupil and Defense Ministry to immediately issue the necessary regulations in order to guarantee absolute transparency and equality of opportunities in all designations, promotions, transfers of employees and officials in their respective areas of competence, implementing mechanisms of public antecedents and opposition contests for all income and designations. ”

Draft Law on Ethics in the Exercise of Public Function

The norm elaborated by the Tucumán Bar Association was presented in the Legislature on February 4, 2019, without being addressed by the legislative body.

Among the principles mentioned above, the project establishes the obligation of officials to expose their assets.

In addition, the norm presented stipulates when there is a conflict of interest between public duties and the private interest. It also prohibits officials from receiving gifts or donations. And one of the project’s highlights prohibits nepotism by preventing a public official from appointing a spouse or relative to a position.

For its part, article 22 regulates the publicity of government acts, and prohibits promoting the authorities or their political orientations.

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