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Tucker Carlson’s interview that broke the misinformation siege against Putin in the West – PublicoGT

Alfredo Jalife-Rahme

I was deeply struck by the fact that in Tucker Carlson’s (TC) metahistorical interview with Vladimir Putin, which shook the entire planet, he expressed several nodal concepts on which we agreed without having the pleasure of knowing each other: Ukraine is the theater of a civil warthe disaster of de-dollarization for the US, the prodigious advance of the BRICS and China, the Russian predominance with its hypersonic missiles and the propaganda war that controls US in the West (https://bit.ly/4bt5Qmx).

About Elon Musk, ally of Trump and TC, who hosted the full interview in X (https://bit.ly/3ulLY4b) – which was already close to the 200 million views mark – and who severely criticized the enemies of freedom of expression, Putin commented that “he is already unstoppable: he will do what he sees fit. However, you will need to find something in common with him (…) Humanity has to consider what is going to happen due to the latest advances in genetics or AI.”

The depth of the concepts expressed by Putin and his metaphysical seduction to negotiate the Ukraine dispute with the US led TC to state, after the interview, that it will take him a year to weigh everything expressed.

The interview of the top US communicator, fired from Fox News, disturbed the core of the elites and from the Deep State: it angered the Khazarian (https://bit.ly/3QqemJr) Straussian neoconservative Bill Kristol, idol of the notorious disinformers Krauze (father and son), who demanded that TC be banned from entering the US (https://bit.ly/48l6O1y), which was imitated by the European Union, which is studying to prevent its scale, trampling on the Voltairean essence of freedom of expression.

The WSJ comically revealed that TC interviewed a doble of the real Putin, who is in a refrigerator and died last year due to his Parkinson’s disease in 2020 ( sic) and his 2022 cancer (https://on.wsj.com/3SxhnbP). Out of laughter!

Precisely, war libels are part of the propaganda war that controls the West.

If the interview created new tectonic plates in the downtrodden governments of the West, particularly that of the United States – when Biden suffers the attacks for his cognitive deficiency sentenced by special prosecutor Robert Bur, to such an extent that even her allies in the British neoliberal globalist monarchy of the Financial Times They weigh their eviction, in accordance with article 25 of the Constitution (https://on.ft.com/48eOCqf)–, his next interview with Edward Snowden, currently holed up in Moscow, may put Washington’s handling of cyber espionage under the spotlight.

In the opinion of the Global Timesthe interview allows the American public to form a more balanced view of Russia amid deep rejection of Russia among US politicians ( ).Global Times highlights Putin’s apology for China, whose foreign policy philosophy It is not aggressivewhich exhibits the close strategic partnership between Russia and China.

Amen to the legendary Russophobia of CIA director William Burns (https://bit.ly/3HUr0fH), one of the supreme furious Russophobes of the United States, Hillary Clinton – who seems impervious to her husband’s sycalyptic mega-scandals with the committed suicide Jeffrey Epstein, alleged Mossad agent, went for TC’s jugular and called him a Putin’s useful idiot. Isn’t Hillary the useless idiot by George Soros, trapped in fraganti in its manufacture of Russiagate (https://bit.ly/3OFaTpY)?

Precisely, Putin has no illusions about the improvement of the bilateral relationship with the US since, beyond the current president, there is a elite and an intoxicated archaic nomenclature that remains anchored to the outdated theories of the British Sir Halford Mackinder in his book Geography as a pivot of history from 1904: from 120 years ago!

The elite American and his hieratic Deep State (Deep State) were not updated with the dynamics of the new polycentric multipolar order: at the antipodes of the unidimensionality of the Anglosphere.

Source La Jornada

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