Home » today » News » TSMC started to give gifts! 2 reasons behind the plan to try “flexible commuting” for employees in February at the earliest | Finance | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

TSMC started to give gifts! 2 reasons behind the plan to try “flexible commuting” for employees in February at the earliest | Finance | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Financial Center / Reported by Jiang Jirong

▲SMC expects to implement the “flexible commuting system” on a trial basis starting in February at the earliest. (Picture/data photo)

Transportation in Zhuke has always been a difficult problem. TSMC in the “Guoguo Shenshan” is expected to implement the “flexible commuting system” as soon as February. Going off work, I hope it can alleviate the traffic jam problem of Zhuke commuting to get off work, and it is expected to be fully implemented in half a year.

According to a report by “Liberty Times”, TSMC surveyed employees’ willingness at the end of last year. The flexible commuting system not only takes into account the traffic jam problem in Zhuke, but also some employees have the need to pick up and drop off their children and need to go to get off work early. TSMC is planning to divide the working hours into 7:30, 8:30, and 9:30. After deducting lunch and rest for one hour, you can leave work after 8 hours. It will be tried out in February at the earliest. If the results are good, it is expected to be fully implemented in half a year.

In this regard, Zhang Zhiyuan, secretary-general of the Taiwan Science Park Industry Association, appreciated that TSMC took the lead in this move. He believes that Zhuke’s traffic jam problem is limited to commuting and commuting, and there will be no traffic jams at other times. If only relying on traffic construction, it cannot effectively solve the problem. Now that the time is diverted and “flexible commuting” is implemented, the traffic jam problem in Zhuke is expected to be solved.

In addition, TSMC still has engineers working during the Spring Festival. One engineer revealed that many people rush to work during the Spring Festival holiday because they can receive super high overtime pay. I have also heard that some people are on duty during the Spring Festival, and their original salary is three times. There will also be overtime pay and red envelopes, and you can receive a full 10,000 yuan a day.

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