Home » today » World » Tsipras is wanted, not Cornelia and Gergov – 2024-08-13 07:37:56

Tsipras is wanted, not Cornelia and Gergov – 2024-08-13 07:37:56

/ world today news/ The dramas in BSP are prosaic – the people who put Ninova on top, set out to bring her down. Sooner or later, the left will rid itself of these torments

The rulers can treat. A person just appeared who, without being a member of the BSP (Elena Yoncheva), began to show how the BSP should behave in opposition, and the party got stuck in infighting. The leader Cornelia Ninova demanded an extraordinary congress, public arrows flew against her, the “dissident” Georgi Gergov wrote her an open letter. Night of the Long Knives is setting. And the BSP could have really focused on the crooks in power, and if it decided to keep the Bulgarians busy with itself, it wouldn’t be to air dirty linen.

Last Sunday, when the rifts in the BSP became public, about 100,000 Bulgarians (2% of the adult population on the state territory) probably asked themselves what exactly was happening to the party. How did the red ship suddenly rock… And the questioners are 100,000, because sociological surveys show that 10% of the voters in our country strictly follow the processes in the formation they are voting for, another 10% give one ear each. The electoral body of the BSP permanently over the years hit a ceiling of 1 million people, there are no others. 100,000 of them know very well what is happening with their party, for them the trials today are not news. In the lines below, we will inform the other 100,000 about the events, it will also become clear why the BSP has no chance to intrigue at least another 100,000.

Kornelia Ninova was elected leader of the BSP in May 2016. She won a runoff against the then chairman, Mihail Mikov. The victory was won by a 50-vote lead with 750 delegates voting at the congress. In the first round, Ninova trailed Mikov by almost the same 50 votes. Her success came after frantic bargaining with the barons and counts in the red palace. And with

unprecedented controlled vote

of the delegates (they were not controlled by Ninova, but by the respective baron, who strictly monitored the voting of his people). Subsequent balances in such a situation are fragile, addictions – huge, merits – demanding repayment. Ninova, however, was not grateful. After the congress, she slowly and slowly found two people who gave her a decisive shoulder in the election – Georgi Gergov (after “CUM-gate”) and Krasimir Yankov from Varna. Her right-hand man (councillors, according to party folklore) became Kiril Dobrev, who has had a number of internal enemies since the end of time. If we add the associates of the old leader Mikov, too many fronts are coming together against Ninova. All these people desperately want to get rid of her, but they don’t know how, they are not united, they have no alternative against her yet. Ninova decided to get ahead of them and floated the idea of ​​a flash congress where she would almost certainly ask for a vote of confidence in some form. They, on the other hand, last Sunday at the plenum (National Council) assumed that they had united, forming an almost embarrassing scheme for her (they almost stopped the extraordinary congress). In short – what is happening in the BSP is that the people who put Ninova up went to take her down because

she contrived to reign without them.

As always, wisdom is hidden somewhere in the mountains, that’s why Rumen Ovcharov came down among the people and truthfully summed up the situation by instructing his curvy kennel: “Don’t think you’re the smartest!”.

There are indeed some very interesting moments for the all-round cleverness in the BSP. According to the latest changes to the constitution, imposed by Ninova herself, the leader is no longer elected by the congress, but directly by the party members. If she asks for confidence from the extraordinary forum, she will come into sharp contradiction with herself. If it starts with a direct vote from the party table, there will be incredible battles, because it is not clear what the table is or who it is. The BSP lives hourly in scandals with dead souls and organized registration of wagons with new people serving local nobles. It is not very smart to call for an emergency congress with shaky leadership and soft ground under your feet. It is also not smart to apply Borisov-style surprises to your party, which, unlike GERB, is not a leader (a forum prepared for 2 weeks is a premier-style surprise). But it is doubly stupid for the leader of any internal opposition to be named Georgi Gergov. Both with his letter to her, and with the open grumbling of his wards in Plovdiv, and with the “dance of the disaffected”, which he led a month ago at a banquet in his hotel “St. Petersburg”, Gergov showed that he really wanted to lead the whirlwind read against Nineveh.

All of this ultimately matters little. It is more important what policy the BSP proposes, as well as who are the people who implement it. It is important if there is at least a glimmer of hope that if the party comes to power, red hoops, batkovci, bratkovci, godfathers and bajanacs will not be reanimated. There is no optimism in this connection. Just look at the dilemma at the top – Ninova or Gergov, Mikov or Stoynev. Look what’s going down – none other than the brother of the owner of nightclubs in Ruse was on the red list, hence the MP. He may be a decent man, but decency demanded that amidst scandals involving godfathers and relatives, the BSP should remove him from parliament. It didn’t happen. Complete moral decay reigns in the party – this has been the case for years, as anyone who participates in its internal life knows.

The moral collapse combined with organizational,

started under Stanishev, continued under Mikov, Ninova’s leadership appeared to be a continuation. And it doesn’t really matter if she will be the chairman. The holiest of all – power, the BSP can get either mounted on a general’s biceps, or again spun in the hoops of the Drundar philosopher. With a ceiling of 1 million voters, there is no other perspective.

Until recently, it was believed that if there is anything certain in this world, it is the steadfastness of the BSP in the Bulgarian left. And really, whoever tried to tear pieces from it, both Alexander Tomov and Georgi Parvanov failed… Sooner or later the situation will change. The Bulgarian Tsipras will come, put on the white shirt and clean up all this self-produced rot. The problems in BSP are so deep that there is no other way. The BSP will not go down in history, but the Bulgarian left will have a new history.

#Tsipras #wanted #Cornelia #Gergov

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