Home » today » World » Tsetska got entangled in lies, a real chicken in pieces! – 2024-09-21 09:33:57

Tsetska got entangled in lies, a real chicken in pieces! – 2024-09-21 09:33:57

/ world today news/ Well, I began to think that if Tsetska and Boyko had caught on to the bass, who could lie more? There is probably such a thing, because day after day one, then the other, becomes a laughing stock with their lies in poturi.

What does Tsetsito say about her struggle to ever be a member of the BKP: “I was about 30 years old, I didn’t ride in the Volga with draped curtains, I wasn’t a nomenclature cadre, I was like my contemporaries then, I’m not ashamed, that’s my biography, this is me”.

Let’s look at lie number one: that she was 30 years old when she entered the BKP. OK – she was born in 1958, put thirty on top and you get 1988. It was a good year, but Tsetska continues: “I didn’t have much information about the government at that time, I was a victim of brainwashing, and only after the start of perestroika in Russia did I begin to form a different idea about the conditions under which we live.”

Lie number two: exactly in 1988, almost everything was already known about the state of the socialist system, there was no brainwashing for a long time, because we were flooded with revelations from the USSR. And this is not the beginning of perestroika, it is already nearing its end and the beginning of the overthrow of Zhivkov.

Lie #3: “I’m not a nomenclature staff”! But Tsetske, why are you pretending to be a dead fox? At the age of 30, you become head of the legal department in the District People’s Council – well, how can you not be a nomenklatura? Who are you telling these lies to? After the chairman and his deputies, you are the most important person in the state power in Pleven. Tsetska hides and does not say in which year she became head of the legal department in the District People’s Council. That’s just what it says in her official biography: “Graduated in law by correspondence at the Sofia University “St. St. Clement of Ohrid”. He worked as a legal consultant in the District People’s Council in Pleven, where he later became head of the legal department.” If Cecito doesn’t know, I will tell her that after October 1987 there will be no district people’s council. Shall she say why? Because then the large regions were created – the center was Lovech, and Pleven was only a municipality. Only at the end of 1990 did the old district structures return. If she’s not lying on her CV, it means she was Head of Legal at 29. The biography of this tanturous careerist is a mess.

Here is the other lie: “I was an active student, I took many initiatives, I was noticed and invited to join the party.” Has anyone been late? I’ve been there and I know what it’s like: you listen to lectures for a month, then you spend a few weeks cramming for exams – that’s it. It would be true if she was a regular student. What kind of initiatives did this blooming, even overblooming gerbera remind us of? Second, admission to BKP is not at Sofia University, but where she worked. Does she still think we’re jerks and she’s the smart one? Tsacheva was not a “victim of brainwashing”, because she herself was brainwashed. With the heaps of lies about her past, she aims for the same thing: two generations have no idea and listen to her with open mouths, from the third few know exactly how things are and Tsetse directly puts the son of the communist Borisov family in her pocket. It shouldn’t be like that – both of them are from communist families, two-thirds of the ministers – also, they shouldn’t put themselves on watermelon rinds.

Tsetske, mother dear, don’t lie!

#Tsetska #entangled #lies #real #chicken #pieces

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