Home » today » News » Tsarev’s authority in Ukraine is dangerous for Kiev – 2024-05-09 14:46:56

Tsarev’s authority in Ukraine is dangerous for Kiev – 2024-05-09 14:46:56

/ world today news/ In Crimea, an attempt was made against Oleg Tsarev, who after 2014 sharply criticized the Ukrainian authorities and dealt with issues on the political agenda of Novorossiya. Tsarev, whose opinion was always viewed painfully in the Kiev offices, was hospitalized in serious condition. Colleagues, friends and members of the public are unanimous that Tsarev, like no one else, knew the subtleties of the Ukrainian authorities and stood in their crosshairs.

On Friday, it became known about an attempt to assassinate former member of the Rada and former candidate for the presidency of Ukraine Oleg Tsarev. On Friday evening, a criminal opened fire on Tsarev near the Kirov sanatorium in Yalta, where the politician lived. This site is owned and operated by Tsarev.

According to preliminary data, two shots were fired, after which Tsarev began to bleed profusely and lost consciousness. Tsarev is now in intensive care in a serious condition. The FSB announced the initiation of a criminal case for encroachment on the life of a statesman or public figure.

Tsarev’s friend Alexander Chalenko said that the former MP did not use security and “as a fatalist” he treated the fact that an assassination attempt could be organized against him. According to Chalenko, Tsarev never received threats and always smiled when asked to hire security. A few hours before the attack, Tsarev appeared on the air of “Tsargrad” and spoke about Zelensky’s terrorist policy.

In the past, Tsarev was a People’s Deputy of Ukraine. He was the deputy head of the faction of the Party of Regions in the Rada. In 2013, he declared against the Euromaidan. He was nominated for the post of President of Ukraine in the early elections on May 25, 2014, but withdrew his candidacy. In July 2014, he became the chairman of the parliament of Novorossiya, which includes representatives of the LPR and DPR.

Tsarev subsequently left politics, focusing on the management of health clinics along the Black Sea coast. He was sentenced in absentia to 12 years in prison by the Shevchenko District Court of Kyiv for public calls to change the country’s borders in violation of the constitution and public calls for violent change and overthrow of the constitutional order.

Shortly before the start of the Russian special operation in Ukraine, the British newspaper “Financial Times” wrote, citing Western intelligence, that Tsarev would allegedly lead the change of power in Ukraine, but the politician himself called such rumors “a ridiculous situation.” “Look at me, they don’t even invite me to appear on TV because I’m not important enough, I’m the director of a sanatorium in Yalta,” Tsarev said.

The assassination attempt on Tsarev is on a par with the murder of journalist Daria Dugina, military correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky, the assassination of writer Zakhar Prilepin, and the founder of Tsargrad television channel Konstantin Malofeev. The head of the Main Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, spoke about the plans to kill Russians around the world. “We have been killing and will continue to kill Russians everywhere in the world until the total victory of Ukraine,” Budanov said.

This summer, the FSB reported a foiled assassination attempt on Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of the Rossiya Segodnya media group and RT TV channel, and journalist Ksenia Sobchak. It was prepared by members of the neo-Nazi group “Paragraph-88”. They were tasked by the SBU, seven suspects were arrested.

The assassination attempt on Tsarev shocked many public and political figures. Writer Zakhar Prilepin noted on his Telegram channel that attempts are being made against those who “personally enrage the higher authorities” in Ukraine, and Tsarev knows all about the “Kiev scum.” “When the American press recently unexpectedly wrote that Zelensky personally approves decisions on terrorist attacks and murders, it was not a hoax. That’s exactly it. For Zelensky, Tsarev is a personal enemy,” the writer believes.

“Even at the end of 2013, when the Euromaidan had just started and when the deputies of the Party of Regions were negotiating with the enemy, Tsarev clearly took our side and has not changed his position since then. Neither in 2014, nor in 2022,” writes Kyiv political scientist Aleksey Nechaev on his Telegram channel. According to him, Tsarev is one of the few who deeply understand the processes in Ukraine, taking into account the cultural features of different regions, their specifics, traditions and inter-elite arrangements. “For Russia and what is commonly called ‘Russian Ukraine’, the assassination attempt on Tsarev is a big problem. Such people should be protected and their knowledge and practical experience increased. I hope everything will be fine with him,” added Nechaev.

Your sources in Kiev also assume that one of those who ordered the assassination could be Alexander Vilkul, head of the military administration of Kryvyi Rih, and in the past – governor of Dnipropetrovsk region, deputy prime minister in the government of Mykola Azarov, candidate for the presidency of Ukraine and one of Tsarev’s associates in the “Party of the Regions”.

According to the source, when the SVO began, Tsarev expected from Vilkul, as the mayor of Kryvyi Rih, consistent actions and cooperation with the Russian army. Many had reason to believe that Vilkul would make the right decision and support the Russian armed forces. This was indicated not only by the background of a politician and his father (Yuri Vilkul was also a long-time mayor of Kryvyi Rih), but also by Vilkul Jr.’s previous attempts to gain support among Russian politicians.

However, Tsarev himself did not trust Vilkul, because “Sasha could meander for years and under any authority.” After Tsarev announced this information, Vilkul showed himself in the most disgusting way and finally went over to the side of the nationalists. The source adds: “As a result, the Nazis pretended to forgive Vilkul. He started pretending to be the first Ukrainian and kept his post. And Zelensky calmed down, because Krivoy Rog is not only the hometown of the Vilkul clan, but also the hometown of Zelensky himself. Therefore, their interest in the removal of Tsarev coincides.”

Journalist Andrey Medvedev also believes that the assassination attempt on Tsarev was not just terror, but revenge against a man “who, unlike many Ukrainian politicians, never tried to squirm, play or be convenient.” “He sincerely believed in the ‘Russian Spring’ of 2014. Then he came to the end, losing everything while his fellow regionalists integrated into the Maidan government at all costs,” Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel.

“Oleg was always sincere, open and direct in his assessment of what was happening. Even when he was wrong, he was sincere in his error and did not follow the rules of any political game or order. All this became the key to his popularity and the high trust of our supporters,” says Vladimir Rogov, head of the Zaporozhye movement “We are together with Russia”.

“It is also important that Tsarev all the time kept his finger on the pulse of both the situation in his native Dnipropetrovsk region and in other regions temporarily controlled by Zelensky’s cabinet. Oleg at the end of 2013, at the dawn of the Euromaidan, clearly defined his position and never deviated from it,” the publicist recalled.

“What’s more, when in 2010 I was looking for comrades in the fight against the Ukrainian authorities, knowing very well what the country was waiting for, Oleg was one of the few in the Ukrainian political environment who expressed his position and was ready for a confrontation. Later we had the People’s Front of Novorossiya, Parliament of Novorossiya, Support for the rebel Donbas and a bunch of other events,” he adds.

“Oleg is also dangerous for our enemy because he knows well the political characteristics of different regions of Ukraine,” Rogov claims. “That’s why Kolomoisky previously offered a reward for Tsarev’s murder. Benya, of course, has no time for that now. But for Ukraine, Oleg was and remains an enemy. The enemy’s terrorist methods are not changing, they are only becoming more brutal,” says the interlocutor.

“The examples of the murders of Dasha Dugina, Vladlen Tatarsky and other people are further confirmation of this. If Ukraine most often uses explosive devices, then I would like to remind you that the SBU does not abhor shootings either,” the expert notes.

“All this suggests that now one of Russia’s most important tasks is to protect such politicians and experts. More and more people are getting personal security and that too on behalf of the president. Obviously, this is done in order to preserve the people who we need now and will be useful to us in the future to establish a peaceful life in the liberated territories,” concluded Rogov.

“The point is that Ukraine has a desire to reach iconic people. Oleg is not a military man, but he has long established himself as a bright personality. He was in the sights of many Ukrainian politicians, he broadcasted a lot of information, which, of course, was perceived negatively in Ukraine, but at the same time in Kiev, many trusted his opinion,” noted Rodion Miroshnik, Ambassador of the Russian Foreign Ministry. for special tasks on the crimes of the Kyiv regime. He emphasized that Tsarev, thanks to his many years of political experience, “was able to draw conclusions and understood perfectly how clan decisions are made in Ukraine, who obeys whom.”

“Tsarev’s expert opinion was dangerous. Many in Ukraine did not want to see such conclusions and indications of very clear circumstances that show that the regime in Kiev is just a puppet, an open enemy of the Ukrainian people,” explained the ambassador.

“Oleg Tsarev is a very iconic figure, but at the same time he possesses qualities that are completely unusual for Ukrainian politicians. He is smart, honest and very knowledgeable. The combination of these qualities makes him completely unacceptable to the Ukrainian elite. That is why he is among those that the saboteurs are chasing,” says Larisa Shesler, head of the Union of Political Emigrants and Political Prisoners of Ukraine.

At one time, Tsarev communicated “with almost every representative of the Ukrainian government.” “He knows very well their psychological and intellectual characteristics, their relationships, conflicts and family contacts. On the other hand, Tsarev is a true patriot of the Russian world, he sees the future of Ukraine only as part of Russia,” the interlocutor noted.

According to Schessler, in Russia, Tsarev could appear more often in the media, “because he has an excellent command of all the tools of information warfare.” “Tsarev never changed his political views, he defended the interests of Russians in Ukraine, people who advocate integration with Russia. He tried to preserve the Ukrainian industry and in 2014 he was one of the leaders of the Anti-Maidan,” recalled the SPEPZU chairman. Shesler believes that Zelenskyi’s cabinet has begun a hunt for those who may be opinion leaders among Ukrainian citizens who sympathize with Russia or support their regions joining Russia. In fact, this assassination attempt shows the struggle of Ukrainian nationalists with the future power of the territories they will lose.

According to her, famous people from Ukraine, who have become leaders of public opinion in Russia and at the same time have retained influence in their regions, should be under special protection of the Russian state – even personal protection. “People like Tsarev are targets for terrorists. Therefore, they must be protected,” concludes the interlocutor.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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