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Tsai Ing-wen opposes Kuomintang congratulatory message “one country, two systems” at the 20th National Congress

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) The Communist Party of China held its 20th National Congress (20th National Congress) on Sunday (October 16) The report reiterated that “reunification” across the Strait must be realized and the option to invade Taiwan by force will not be surrendered. The Taiwanese presidential office responded by stating, “The Republic of China is a sovereign and independent country, and democracy and freedom are the belief and persistence of the people of Taiwan.” Traditional Taiwanese public opinion also firmly rejects one country, two systems.

Speaking on the Taiwan issue at the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday stressed that “the full reunification of the motherland must be achieved and can be achieved”. He said: “The resolution of the Taiwan issue is the business of the Chinese people, and it is up to the Chinese people to decide. We insist on fighting for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the utmost sincerity and best efforts.” activity ”using force.

According to Taiwan’s “United Daily News”, Taiwanese presidential spokesman Zhang Dunhan responded on Sunday that Taiwan’s national security team has taken a close look at the relevant situation and will continue to pay close attention to relevant developments. He stressed that Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen had clearly expressed Taiwan’s position in his National Day speech this year, which is to continue to stand firm on the “Four Persistencies” and strengthen the “Four Resiliences”, not only for make Taiwan the Taiwan of the world, but also to give the world a better Taiwan.

Zhang Dunhan reiterated that Taiwan’s position is very firm, that territorial sovereignty will not be compromised, democracy and freedom will not be compromised, and confrontation is definitely not an option for both sides of the strait. Taiwanese people. He said that maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the region is the joint responsibility of both sides and citing Tsai Ing-wen’s previous remarks that under rationality, equality and mutual respect, the Taiwanese government is also willing to work with the Beijing government. authorities to seek mutual acceptance and maintain Approaches to Peace and Stability in the Taiwan Strait.

The Kuomintang sends a congratulatory message

According to the Chinese CCTV “News Network” program, the Taiwanese Kuomintang sent a congratulatory message to the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party on Sunday, and the Chinese Communist Party also responded to the congratulatory message. The two sides jointly stressed the “1992 consensus” and opposed to “Taiwan independence”.

The report highlighted that the Central Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang said in a congratulatory message on the 16th that on the basis of the “1992 Consensus” and opposition to “Taiwan independence”, various exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the tightly achieved fruitful results. It is hoped that the two sides will continue to communicate, cooperate sincerely, deepen mutual trust, seek common ground by reserving differences, jointly strengthen the rights and interests of people on both sides of the strait, strive to maintain peace and stability through the Taiwan Strait and create a prosperous development of relations across the Strait.

The report further stated that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China said in a reply telegram the same day that over the years the two sides have jointly promoted the peaceful development of relations across the Strait and benefited fellow countrymen of both sides. tightened on the basis of adhering to the “1992 consensus” and opposition to “Taiwan independence”. At present, the situation in the Taiwan Strait is becoming more and more complex and serious.We hope that the two sides grasp the general situation, observe the general situation, abide by righteousness, strengthen communication, strengthen mutual trust, deepen the cooperation on the basis of the existing common policy and work together for peace in the Taiwan Strait, the welfare of our compatriots, national reunification and national rejuvenation effort.

In the report entitled “Congratulations to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China by the Parties and Relevant Political Persons in Taiwan”, he also said that the former president of the Chinese Kuomintang, Lien Chan and Hong Xiuzhu, the president of the new party Wu Chengdian, and the president of the Non-Party Solidarity Alliance, Lin Bingkun, etc. They also sent a congratulatory letter.

Zhu Lilun: Defend the Republic of China

According to comprehensive Taiwan media reports, the Kuomintang said on Sunday that relevant congratulatory messages are in accordance with the past. Zhu Lilun, president of the Chinese Kuomintang, said the Kuomintang’s three most important tasks are defending the Republic of China, safeguarding democracy and freedom, and maintaining peace across the strait and the region. “These three core tasks are that we truly love Taiwan and we absolutely focus on the Republic of China. Protecting Taiwan and protecting democracy and freedom is our common goal.”

Zhu Lilun also said that anyone who intends to destroy or damage the Republic of China is absolutely against the end and public opinion has repeatedly indicated a resolute opposition to “Taiwan independence” and a resolute opposition to one country, two systems. These are very clear goals.

Regarding the Kuomintang’s congratulatory message to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Taiwan’s “Liberty Times” reported that DPP lawmaker Wang Meihui criticized in an interview: “Xi Jinping said today that no it will renounce the use of force, and the Kuomintang is eager to pander to the CCP, completely ignoring the views of the Taiwanese people “, referring to the Kuomintang” while cheating votes in Taiwan while trying to curry favor with the Communist Party. “

Wang Meihui also questioned: “Do you agree with Xi Jinping’s idea of ​​reuniting Taiwan so much, why did the Kuomintang not raise opposition to reunification in the congratulatory message?”

Taiwan’s dominant public opinion is far from the CCP’s point of view

Taiwan will hold local elections on November 26, and the issue of reunification and independence and Xi Jinping’s remarks on the Taiwan issue at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China also attracted special attention. Many analysts believe that the CCP’s views are far from traditional Taiwanese public opinion.

According to a survey conducted by National Chengchi University since 1992, the latest figures from June 2022 show that less than 7% of Taiwanese support and favor reunification, about 30% support and promote independence and maintain the status quo, about 57 %. Only 2.4% of Taiwanese identified themselves as Chinese, compared to 63.7% of Taiwanese and 30.4% of both.

Wang Xinxian, a distinguished East Asia Institute professor at National Chengchi University, once told DW that the middle option in the two polls is a “safe haven.” If there is no pressure, the gap between the figures will be even greater. He also stated that the “always maintaining the status quo” of the Taiwanese, according to Beijing, is “Chinese independence”, which will not be accepted.

Zhang Wuyue, director of Taiwan’s Tamkang University Strait Relations Research Center, previously told DW that Beijing’s policy towards Taiwan is “fundamentally a failure.” Traditional public opinion is “distant”, but Beijing won’t change because of that.

(Full report)

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