There will likely be strong winds and snowdrifts in Trøndelag and Northern Norway south of Bodø on Sunday. Eastern Norway and Southern Norway can expect smoother roads in the evening.
– In Trøndelag and parts of Nordland there will be strong winds and snow showers. We’ve posted an alert for a snowflake, and it’s just below the limit for a wind alert. There will be poor visibility and difficult driving conditions, meteorologist at the Bente Wahl Meteorological Institute told NTB on Saturday evening.
He says the forecast applies to most of Trøndelag and Nordland south of Bodø.
In Eastern Norway, where snowy weather caused many crashes on Saturday, conditions are expected to improve a bit. But then sometimes it gets very slippery due to the freezing rain.
– We haven’t sent out a danger warning yet, but we probably will on Sunday. It will probably snow on Monday or perhaps Sunday night in many places, she says.
I recommend leaving the car
There were serious traffic problems in various parts of the country on Saturday. In Oslo there were, among other things, several convoys of trucks stuck on the E6, while in other parts of the country the police reported several derailments.
– I’m not exactly surprised. This is something we have only seen for years, says Trygg Trafikk road safety manager Bård Morten Johansen.
For those living in areas with particularly challenging driving conditions, Johansen has clear advice.
– First, you should actually consider whether you need to go out with the car. All unnecessary driving should be avoided, Johansen says.
In eastern and southern Norway, soapy roads are expected from Sunday evening or Monday. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB
I recommend low speed
Johansen points out that the more vehicles there are on the roads, the greater the risk of an accident.
The next tip is about how important it is to adapt your speed to the conditions.
– This does not mean that you have to respect the speed limit. Very often it is necessary to maintain a much lower speed. Then you’re in control, says Johansen.
Many lack experience
Johansen says there are many inexperienced road users who don’t know the conditions well enough.
– If you are not sure, you should test the conditions when you are alone. If it’s smooth enough, you still slide, says the specialist.
Finally, the responsible entity asks drivers to keep a good distance from other road users.
– It’s smart to have some wiggle room if the crash happens first. Also, blind spots must be avoided at all costs, he says.