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Try these 4 ways to lose weight fast, let’s go

JAKARTA. How to lose weight fast can give maximum results if you do it regularly. First, you need to be diligent in exercising so that the calories in the body burn. That way, weight can be reduced.

Losing weight does not only affect your appearance, but also your overall health condition. There are many disease risks that you can experience when you are overweight or obese.

Unfortunately, there are still many people who often make some mistakes when running on a diet program. For example, skipping breakfast, not eating according to schedule, and so on. In fact, this can be a way to lose weight, you know.

Don’t skip breakfast

Some people think that to lose weight you have to reduce your meal schedule. This is quite wrong. When you don’t have breakfast, your body will feel hungry throughout the day during your activities.

If this happens, your desire to snack will increase. This condition causes your calorie intake to go out of control. We recommend that you eat breakfast before doing activities. Make sure to eat nutritious food, yes.

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Stick to an Eating Schedule

Quoting from the NHS (nhs.uk), eating on the same schedule every day can increase calorie burn in the body. Adhering to an existing meal schedule can suppress your cravings for snacks, especially those that are high in fat and sugar.

Increase the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables

The next way to lose weight quickly what you need to try is to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. This type of food contains very little fat and calories, making it suitable for a diet or snack menu.

Do not stop there, most vegetables and fruits contain lots of fiber and important nutrients that the body needs during the diet. So, not only will you lose weight, your body’s health will be maintained.

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Drink lots of white water

The NHS says that there are still many people who can’t tell the difference between hunger and thirst. Instead of drinking water, you may choose to eat a sweet snack because you feel hungry.

If you feel that you have eaten on the right schedule with nutritious foods, but are still feeling hungry, try drinking water. How to lose weight quickly can also be a way to prevent your body from dehydration.

Editor: Belladina Biananda

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