Migration flows from Tunisia: the president of the EU commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, on a mission together with the premier Giorgia Meloni, has put 150 million euros on the plate to curb the landings. Is the government’s action in line with the voting intentions? Yes, according to the data emerging from the Emg-Different survey, illustrated by the director Fabrizio Masia, during the morning talk on Rai3 “Agorà”, Monday 12 June. The center-right remains stable: Fratelli d’Italia at 27.5 from 27.8%, still above the vote of September 2022. The Lega is doing well in double figures at 10% and Forza Italia which rises to 7.4%. In the centre-left in difficulty, the Pd is back below 20%, i.e. 19.9% (-0.4). The 5 Star Movement remains at 15.2%. In the voting intentions of the interviewees, the approval rating in +Europe increased, reaching 3.4%. Action and Italia Viva, separately, both recorded 3.2%. Luigi De Magistris’ Unione Popolare (1.7%) is also growing.

As for trust in leaders, nothing seems to affect that in Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni at 45%, even if Mario Draghi is always the most loved with 51 preferences. Elly Schlein instead suffers a blow. The secretary of the Democratic Party loses 2 points: from 30 to 28%. Well Luca Zaia 38%, Matteo Salvini and Giuseppe Conte at 34% and Silvio Berlusconi at 31%. Rear lights Carlo Calenda (20%) and Matteo Renzi at 18.