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Trump’s stronghold: Sun, money and lax Covid measures attract fans to Florida

From the “Sunshine State”, Trump’s troops rail against New York and Hollywood, because in their eyes the “liberal elite” of the country on the east and west coasts behave particularly hypocritically. They will receive support from Fox News’ top-class stars, who are now also settling in Florida. The crash of New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo seems to be just what they are looking for. His resignation due to allegations of sexual abuse is a hit – after all, liberal competitors such as CNN had chosen Cuomo as the media darling at the beginning of the pandemic. The countless joint TV appearances with his brother, the CNN star Chris Cuomo, can now be seen as further evidence of the celebrity status that left media wanted to grant the politician. Statements such as those made by film star Alec Baldwin fit the scheme well: he called Cuomo’s resignation “tragic”.

Former abuse fighter and Trump opponent Avenatti is in jail

But Cuomo’s demise is not an isolated incident for many commentators from the conservative Murdoch media group. Whether on Fox News, in the tabloid “New York Post” or in the reputable “Wall Street Journal” – the Republican press is now increasingly talking about Michael Avenatti: Trump’s supporters see the ex-lawyer of porn star Stormy Daniels is another confirmation of the one-sided coverage of the liberal media.

In fact, the left-wing broadcaster MSNBC once raved about Avenatti’s guest moderation on the talk show “The View”, so people now like to remember. And CNN made the photogenic lawyer appear over 200 times in 2018. Back then, left-wing media were already celebrating him as “the man who will put Trump behind bars,” said Republicans today with a sideways glance at Cuomo. The allegations of sexual abuse against Trump are no longer discussed – instead, it is emphasized that Avenatti himself is in prison. The lawyer is currently serving a 30-month prison sentence for extortion and financial fraud.

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Trump supporters band together in Florida

Conversely, criminal Roger Stone, convicted of perjury, intimidation and obstruction of justice, is at large thanks to his pardon from Trump and is highly regarded in Florida. Many Fort Lauderdale residents celebrate the 68-year-old as a celebrity and ask him for photos and autographs in bars and restaurants. In social networks, Stone pretends to be an opponent of vaccinations. Brad Parscale, Trump’s former campaign manager, is one of his famous neighbors.

A little further on the Florida coast, in Boca Grande, lives Tucker Carlson – one of the biggest Fox stars. Like his equally powerful colleague Sean Hannity, he was drawn from the liberal north to the “Sunshine State”. “In Manhattan, Sean Hannity can’t show himself on the street – you hit him in the face,” claims the Fox anchor. Protests on his own doorstep in Washington made him move to Florida in 2018.

His famous Fox colleagues Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter also feel more comfortable in Florida and moved to Palm Beach, where Trump declared Mar-a-Lago as the “Winter White House” at the beginning of his presidency. For the long-established Laurence Leamer, Trump’s influence there becomes clearer every day: “I’ve lived here for 27 years, but I’ve never experienced a year like this,” says the author of “Mar-a-Lago: Inside the Gates of Power at Donald.” Trump’s Presidential Palace “(Mar-a-Lago: Behind the Gates of Power to Donald Trump’s Presidential Palace). In an interview with “Vanity Fair” he said about the Republicans: “A whole generation with a lot of money is moving here right now”.

In addition to Trump, many of them particularly appreciate the Florida governor’s negative attitude towards corona measures. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Ron DeSantis has strictly forbidden business restrictions as well as mask rules. The Republican also refuses vaccination incentives so vehemently that many opponents of vaccinations are now moving to Florida for precisely this reason – such as Orthodox Jews who are currently leaving the New York borough of Brooklyn for Florida in droves. While the majority of Jewish voters in the US tend to vote democratically, Orthodox Jews reject state interference and often vote republican. In contrast to New York and other liberal states, there will be no advantages for vaccinated people in Florida in the future either. The “Sunshine State” is currently recording 20 percent of all Delta infections in the USA and overcrowded hospitals.

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