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Trump’s Power Is Left 73 Days, This Authority Is Unlimited


WASHINGTON – The rest of the President’s time United States of America (AS) Donald Trump 73 days to go, because elected president Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2021.

By now, Donald Trump’s presidency should be “dead,” but political experts warn the so-called “lame duck” leader could cause chaos during his last 73 days in power.

His defeat — the first of an incumbent president in four decades — would make him the loser who suffered the most. Critics fear it could make selfish Trump more “dangerous” than ever. (Read: US Elected President Biden: King Salman, Putin to Erdogan are silent)

They warned Trump would be very determined to wreak havoc on as much as possible before he left the White House on January 20, overhauling the courts and government office at will by putting in the people he likes. He was even able to block Biden’s promises during the campaign.

“Like a wounded animal, Trump today is more dangerous than ever while sitting comfortably in the Oval Office,” political expert Tori Malvern told Sunday Mirror, Sunday (8/11/2020).

“He will remain a hero among millions of Republican voters and any rejection of his plans will be met with fierce response from his loyalists.”

Today Trump still claims to be the winner of the US presidential election and refuses to lose to Joe Biden. “This election is far from over,” he said while playing golf in Virginia as world leaders congratulated Biden.

In his official statement, Trump emphasized that he would file various challenges to get the presidential election results according to his own wishes. (Also read: Trump is branded a ‘lame duck’, but has 75 days of unlimited power)

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