South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem defends killing her dog. He says that he brought up the story as an example of how difficult decisions have to be made.

USA:n Marylandissa helmikuussa 2024."/>Governor Kristi Noem was photographed at a conference in Maryland, USA, in February 2024. Ron Sachs, ZumaWire / MVPHOTOS
One of President Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidates has shared a story about killing his dog in his memoirs. The memoir will be officially published on May 7, but the British newspaper Guardian has gotten hold of the fragment in question prematurely.
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, 52, wrote in her memoir about shooting her dog Cricket. According to the BBC, Noem called his dog untrained and dangerous in the book.
Despite Noemi’s several training attempts, the approximately 14-month-old, Rough-haired German Shepherd was impossible to control.
One day, returning with his dog from a hunting trip, Noem had stopped to chat with a local family. Cricket had run away from Noemi, and attacked the family’s chickens.
According to Noem, Cricket crushed the chickens to death one by one. After regaining control of the dog, Noem had apologized to the family and said he understood that the dog should be put down.
– I hated that dog, Noem commented according to the BBC.
After the scene, Noem took his dog to the gravel pit and shot it.
Also killed a goat
After shooting his dog, Noem says the situation made him realize that there was another unpleasant act ahead: he had to kill his family’s male goat as well.
According to Naomi, the goat was mean, smelled foul and chased her children. The goat often nudged her children to undo.
Noem shot the goat as well as his dog. With the difference that the goat was not killed by the first shot, but by the next one.
Criticism from the opposite side
According to the BBC, several parties have condemned Noemi’s coming out and the act.
Meghan McCain, daughter of 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain, was one of the public figures condemned by Noemi.
– In politics, you can recover from many things, change the narrative, etc. You can’t recover from killing a dog, McCain commented.
The Democrats took Noemi’s act as part of their own political agenda.
– If you want to elect officials who don’t brag about brutally killing their pets… vote for Democrats, the Democratic National Committee said, according to the BBC.
Noem defended himself in X shortly after the killing of the dog came to light.
– We love animals, but difficult decisions like this happen all the time on the farm. A couple of weeks ago we had to put down three horses that belonged to our family for 25 years, Noem wrote to X.
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In the excerpt, Noem said that he brought the story out to illustrate his willingness to make such things and decisions that are difficult, messy and ugly both in politics and in life.
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