Home » News » Trump’s intention to replace Obamacare and pro-Palestine protests in New York: the good and the bad of the week

Trump’s intention to replace Obamacare and pro-Palestine protests in New York: the good and the bad of the week

[música][música][música]Luis: We return to ourlast segment.what has been good andbad of the week vianca.Vianca: I’m sorry.Luis: Why?Vianca: because of what happened to himtree. this is a tradition.Christian peoplerelate as something culturalUS. for just one daythey couldn’t move to the sidethis problem that affectsIsrael and Palestine. of powerfeel united in wanting thepeace. or leave that aside and notaffect an event that should bemore united. in addition to putting badto these organisms.They are arguing that they wanteradicate israel forcomplete. I think this isproblematic. must changelarra — the narrative.as long as they continue creating thistype of conflict and protests,why do they have to gather asuch a beautiful moment.Heidy: I ​​think that for meright that we have in thiscountry, it is to protest.when your protest seeks away of being visible. I believethat if we have this right it iswelcome.Luis: Does it have any limits?Vianca: The protests? must bepresented in another way.Luis: the good or the bad?we have former president donaldtrump (2017-2021) what does he wantpeople. obamacare mandateto medical insurancethat you have a conditionpreexisting. at 19 years oldThey diagnosed something in theknee, I had to swallowpractically allbills, they told me there wereborn with this and I didn’t get itpeople in this country who don’twill have access to a doctor whocould save your life, soleast one alternative, you hadfour years to change it, noThere is nothing better than Obamacare.Republicans and former presidentdonald trump (2017-2021), i ama little more agree. must beswitch to a free systemmarket. we want to choose thepersona.we are not all equal. II have a condition, you havethere are people who don’t have onepre-existing condition and is notyou need to visitto the doctor, people shouldhave a choice, not a mandate.obamacare, studiesexperts say that this has

2023-12-02 05:32:00
#Trumps #intention #replace #Obamacare #proPalestine #protests #York #good #bad #week

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