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Trump’s Hard-Rhetoric Rally in Iowa Sparks Controversy: Promises of Tougher Stance on Migrants

HARD RHETORIC: Donald Trump is sharpening his messages more and more, and this caucus in Iowa was no exception. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

INDIANOLA, IOWA (VG) Former President Trump promises to be tougher than anyone else on migrants. At a rally in Iowa he used strong language.


Less than 20 minutes ago

It is just before the important state will choose its Republican presidential candidate, when Donald Trump takes the stage at a college in Indianola in a white cap, red tie and dark blue suit.

People have been queuing outside since seven in the morning in minus 30 degrees. And when the doors finally open, many of them can’t find a place.

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FREEZING: People stood outside in the freezing cold for hours, but luckily there were heating buses set up right at the entrance to the election meeting. Photo: Ingeborg Huse Amundsen/VG Photo: Ingeborg Huse Amundsen/VG


in this

FREEZING: People stood outside in the freezing cold for hours, but luckily there were heating buses set up right at the entrance to the election meeting. Photo: Ingeborg Huse Amundsen/VG

Lover massedeportering

VG is present in the hall. The red MAGA caps stick up from people’s heads and there is full cheering when Trump begins to speak.

And he speaks.

For two hours, apparently without a script.

Dance a little, he also does:

Deep in the session, Trump recites a kind of poem, he calls it “The Snake”, which is about a poisonous snake that sneaks into the kingdom and poisons everyone. He speaks with great empathy and clear diction.

Afterwards he says:

– This is the situation on our border. We take in murderers and drug lords. Many who come are very sick, with diseases that will spread throughout the nation.

– We will start with deportation on day one. I will seal the border and end this invasion of our country.

The hall erupts in applause.

Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

There is currently great chaos in Eagle Pass in Texas on the border with Mexico. Thousands of migrants cross it every day.

VG on the border: Last chance

The Republican authorities in Texas have refused federal border guards to move in. Recently drowned a woman and two children in the border river.

Becomes more detailed

It is far from the first time Trump has made strong claims about migrants.

Trump’s rhetoric is becoming increasingly extreme, believe a number of experts and commentators who follow the US and Trump closely.

VG’s review of Trump’s election promises shows that he has become more extreme than when he ran – and won – in 2016.

He has begun to refer to his political opponents as “pests”, who must be “purged” from politics. He promises “retribution” for the legal proceedings against him.

Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

Most Republicans agree

Trump’s message resonates with many Americans.

  • 81 percent of all Republican voters who are expected to cast their vote in the primary election in the United States agree with Trump’s statement that migrants will be toxic for the country, according to CNN.

In Iowa, many support Trump.

The red, the wild west: – The entire rural United States has turned red

Trump is expected to crush rivals Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis in the state’s nominating caucuses.

– If you can find someone who will bet against you that Trump does not win in Iowa, then take that bet. Take it, says American political scientist Larry Sabato on CNN.

A little girl at the election meeting had put on a bodysuit that read “Hiding for Biden”. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

– Trump must save our country

Sharon Anderson (67) and Mike Boatman (55) are two of Trump’s biggest fans.

They have acquired a special passion: They follow Trump. Where he travels to speak, they also travel there by car – if they can afford it.

– Trump must save our country, for our grandchildren and future generations, says Anderson to VG.

There have been 46 election meetings, and the traveling friends have been named “Front Row Joe’s”, since they always sit in the front row.

Also read: Here they believe in God – and Donald Trump

Sharon Anderson (67) and Mike Boatman (55) were praised by Trump during the election meeting. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

– I am not radical

Further back in the hall is Kyle Kincade (21) from Oklahoma, who is a student at the university where Trump is holding his election rally.

He is curious about Trump, and is considering voting for him.

– Trump voters are portrayed in the press as super-radical. If anyone saw me here today they would probably say I was a radical. But I’m not, says the 21-year-old.

Kyle Kincade (21). Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

For him, economics is the most important electoral issue.

– We needed his America first policy in 2016, and we need it again now. Trump is good for business.

Kincade claims that unemployment is on the rise and the economy is on the decline, even though the opposite is the reality: the United States has never had so many people out of work, and inflation is on the decline.

But his opinion is shared by many VG meetings in the USA: Things are not going well for the USA now, Biden is to blame, and Trump is the saviour.

– The US is dying under Biden

No wonder, perhaps, because this is the same message that Trump himself has made repeatedly.

In Indianola, the former president puts it this way:

– Under Biden, the United States has become a garbage dump. Biden puts America last, I put America first.

– I will save the country from all the tragedies Biden has inflicted on us: the border, inflation, electricity prices and mortgage interest. Under “Crooked Joe” our country is dying.


Published: 16.01.24 at 00:20

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2024-01-15 23:21:09
#Donald #Trump #migrants #Poisonous #snakes #spread #disease

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