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Trump’s former chief of staff also resigned… Staff’s line mark on’Intrusion of Parliament’

After protesters in support of US President Donald Trump raided the Capitol, executives have stepped down.

Mick Mulvaney. AFP=Yonhap News

Northern Ireland envoy Mick Mulvaini announced the news of his resignation by appearing on CNBC broadcast on the 7th (local time).

Envoy Mulvaini is a close friend of President Trump, who served as the White House secretary until March last year.

He said that it was “internationally ridiculous tragedy” and “I quit last night because I couldn’t stay anymore.”

Envoy Mulvaini argued that this would not have happened if President Trump had won the presidential election earlier.

“The President has a lot of success lists that we would be proud of, but yesterday they all disappeared,” he said. said.

“The president is clearly not the same as it was eight months ago,” said Envoy Mulvaini, “and neither does those who assist him.”

Envoy Mulvaini also criticized President Trump’s belatedly making a statement promising “an orderly transfer of power”.

“If President Trump admitted to the presidential election defeat immediately after the presidential election, the Republican Party would not have won the Georgia Senate runoff and could have avoided congressional violence.”

Not only Envoy Mulvaini, but also White House National Security Adviser Matthew Pottinger, Secretary General Stephanie Grisham, Likiniseta Social Activities Secretary, and Deputy Spokesman Sarah Matthews have announced their intention to resign after the invasion of Congress.

Reporter Shin Hyeyeon [email protected]

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