Trump’s approval rating return poll shows that he is far ahead of this potential opponent!
China News Service, January 19th According to comprehensive reports, a new poll shows that in a hypothetical Republican primary election showdown, former President Trump leads Florida Governor DeSantis by 17 percentage points.
Morning Consult (Morning Consult) poll released on the 18th local time shows that Trump has an approval rate of 48% among potential Republican primary voters, followed by DeSantis with an approval rate of 31%.
Trump’s lead differs from some polls since the November 2022 midterm elections, which have shown DeSantis closing the gap on Trump, or leading in some cases.
Former Vice President Pence came in third with 8 percent of the vote, followed by former Rep. Dick Cheney with 3 percent.
Trump’s approval rating in morning consultation polls has remained between 45 percent and 50 percent for the past month, while DeSantis has hovered around 30 percent.
Trump is gaining support among would-be Republican primary voters over the past month, with 77 percent having a favorable opinion of him, the pollster found. In the Morning Consult poll, Trump’s net approval rating — the percentage of people who subtract those who don’t from those who support him — topped 50% for the first time in nearly a month.
Polls suggest DeSantis would fare slightly better against Biden than Trump in a hypothetical general election matchup. DeSantis has a 3-point lead over Biden, 44% to 41%, and Biden has a 3-point lead over Trump, 43% to 40%.
In November 2022, Trump became the first major Republican candidate to announce his candidacy for the 2024 presidential race, but several other Republicans have said they are considering running. DeSantis has not issued a public statement, but there is speculation in the media that he will run.