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Trump would allow Putin to annex part of Ukraine to stop the war

Photo: archive, BGNES

Former US President Donald Trump said Russia would “never invade” Ukraine if he was in power, but also indicated he would “make a deal” with Russian President Vladimir Putin if necessary, the Daily Telegraph reported. “.

In the words of the former US president, if he had been president at the time of the invasion, he “would have cut a deal” allowing Russia to keep parts of Ukraine to end the war.

Trump said that would be the “worst-case” scenario and it wouldn’t come to that, because Putin wouldn’t have dared to invade Ukraine at all if he was in the White House.

The former president said on Sean Hannity’s radio show: “Remember, under Bush they took over Georgia, under Obama they took over Crimea. And under Biden, they’re taking over everything. It looks like they’re going to take over, that’s how it looks to me.”

“And you know what they took under Trump? Russia didn’t take anything. For the first time, under the first president in a long time. He [Путин] understood. He would never do that.”

Trump added: “And this happened without even negotiating a deal. I could have negotiated. At worst, I could have made a deal that they would take something, you know, there are certain areas that are Russian-speaking, right, but you could to make a deal. And now they’re just smashing Ukraine to pieces.”

“Daily Telegraph” recalls that it is not the first time that Trump has stated that the invasion of Ukraine would not have happened if he had been re-elected in 2020. The president has said on other occasions that it would have been prevented thanks to his policy of ” peace through strength”.

(BTA, Plamen Yotinski)

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