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Trump with dreadful warning: World War III is coming

The incompetent and weak policies of US President Joe Biden could lead to a new world war.

This was stated by former US President Donald Trump in a speech to his supporters in Texas. “Biden’s weakness and incompetence pose a real risk of World War III,” he said.

Trump added that during Biden’s presidency, North Korea increased the number of missiles fired to a record number and reiterated the poor management of the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, bg-voice.com reported.

“Democrats in the United States have pushed the country’s foreign policy to the point where Russia can take control of Ukraine and China is threatening Taiwan,” Trump said.

“What Biden, Pelosi and Sumer (Chuck Sumer, the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate) have done to this country is a fraud of the highest order,” Trump said.

“Inflation is rising, gasoline prices are rising, supply chains are falling apart. Can you believe what is happening? You can’t buy anything, the shelves are empty. I wrote a book, but it cannot be published: there is no paper or ink. By the way, buy it, you will like it. The number of murders is increasing, and illegal migrants are entering our country in the millions. China is threatening Taiwan, Iran is close to building a nuclear bomb, and Russia could take control of Ukraine. Can you believe it? ”Trump told protesters.


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