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Trump suspends negotiations with Democrats and calls for swift appointment of judge

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced this Tuesday the suspension, until the presidential elections of November 3, of the negotiations with the Democrats of the economic stimulus package of the country, destined to respond to the effects of the pandemic.

“I instructed my representatives to stop negotiations until after the elections when, immediately after my victory, we will pass the main stimulus law that will focus on [norte]American workers and small businesses “, wrote the US head of state on the social network Twitter.

Trump added that he asked Senate leader Republican Mitch McConnell to work “full time” on approving Trump’s nominee for the United States Supreme Court, magistrate Amy Coney Barrett.

“Our economy is doing very well. The stock market is at record levels, jobs and unemployment are also recovering in record numbers. We are the world leader in economic recovery, the best is yet to come”, concluded the President north American and re-applied for office.

Still this Tuesday, the President of the Federal Reserve (Fed), Jerome Powell, said that the financial support of this institution and of the Government had driven a solid recovery of the recession provoked by the pandemic of the disease caused by the new coronavirus, however, the process may fail if there is no additional support.

Trump’s statements come at the same time that House of Representatives leader Nancy Pelosi is discussing with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin the lines of the package that will stimulate the US economy.

The Democrat has already reacted to the Republican’s action: “Once again, President Trump has shown the real face: putting his interest ahead of that of the country, with the full complicity of Republican parliamentarians,” he criticized in a statement quoted by the agency France-Presse (AFP).

The President of the United States announced in late September that Judge Amy Coney Barrett had been chosen to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died in the same month, in the US Supreme Court.

Judge of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeal in Chicago, a devout Catholic who worked with former conservative judge Antonin Scalia, Barrett was “deeply honored” by the confidence shown by Trump.

Barrett will have been on the list of possible nominees in 2018, when Trump chose Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy.

At 48, if confirmed, Barrett will be the youngest judge in the United States Supreme Court, where the nine elements can remain for life.

Ideological heir to the late conservative judge Antonin Scalia, Barrett is thus appointed to take the place left vacant by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg on September 18, and to operate the deepest ideological imbalance in the North American Supreme since three decades ago Clarence Thomas, appointed by George H. Bush in 1990, replaced Thurgood Marshall, “Mr. Civil Rights”, who had been appointed by Democratic President Lyndon Johnson in 1967.

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