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Trump stops sending federal agents to New York

The governor of New York, Democrat Andrew Cuomo, reported that after having a “good conversation” with the president Donald Trump, he assured that for the moment he will not send federal agents to this state as he has announced, to combat the “wave” of criminal violence that, according to the head of the White House, affects the city.

Cuomo also reported that during his conversation with the Republican president, he indicated that before making the decision to send federal agents to New York CityThey would have another conversation.

“I spoke to the president about it and I don’t think there is no justification for sending troops federal or federal agents to the city of New York, “he said in a statement. The governor assured Trump that” there is no federal property that is in danger and that can justify that the federal government has to send agents “to this city.

The deployment of federal agents

The president warned that he would send federal agents to several Democratic cities such as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Baltimore, among others, to contain what he considered violence “worse” than in Afghanistan.

Federal agents from the Department of Homeland Security have already been dispatched to Portland, Oregon, and other agencies have traveled on the grounds that they are needed to contain protests against racism that already last more than 50 days, but the local authorities have denounced that they are making things worse.

Trump’s announcement to send agents to New York was not to the liking of the mayor of this city, Bill de Blasio, who warned that if that happens, he would go to court and wrote a letter to the attorney general, William Barr, to warn him. Cuomo, instead, chose to speak directly to Trump.

Electoral trick

“Constitutional law is clear on this. The nation does not have a federal police force to deploy at its discretion. surveillance is left to the states“argued the Democratic ruler.

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“The president and I had a good conversation. He said that I would not send troops to New York“And, although he has not made a final decision,” he said we would talk before he did something, “he said.

Democratic leaders have cataloged Trump’s action, candidate for reelection next November, as a “political stunt” against Democratic states. The first federal agents will be deployed in Chicago and Albuquerque (New Mexico), but the White House said today that they will be joined by others such as Detroit and Cleveland in the coming weeks.

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