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Trump Says Israel Controls US Congress

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Ex president United States of America, Donald Trump, said in interviews that Israel used to control Congress in the US.

However, Trump claims that since his era there have been significant changes in Congress in the form of a shift in power from the House of Representatives (DPR) under Israeli influence, to now being an anti-Israel politician.

“Yeah, you know the biggest change I’ve ever seen in Congress is the Congress that Israel has, you know 10 years ago, 15 years ago, and it was so strong, it was really strong, and today it’s almost the opposite,” Trump said in a statement. event 570 KVI Friday, quoted by the Jerusalem Post, Tuesday (2/11).

The statement refers to the Republican Party accused of hating Israel.

“You’ve got between the AOC (Alexandria Ocasio Cortez) and (Ilham) Omar, and people who hate Israel,” Trump accused.

He then continued, “They hate it so much, they control Congress and Israel is no longer a power in Congress. That’s what I mean, it’s amazing.”

Trump said he had never seen such a big change.

“Israel had that kind of power, and rightfully so, over congress. And now it doesn’t. It’s incredible, actually,” Trump added.

In the interview, host Ari Hoffman nodded and agreed there was a significant change.

“This is really what we’re seeing in the Democratic Party,” he said.

Trump’s remarks seem to echo anti-Semitic conspiracy theories or the Israeli lobby promoting Tel Aviv interests, which are often used to control US politics.

When Trump took office, Israelis in the US were polarized. Even though many of them opposed him, there were still Jews who were considered religious and orthodox to support his campaign.

While the Trump administration was at the time, many supported Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Trump is also said to have refused to oppose white supremacists and other right-wingers.

Netanyahu comes from the right -wing Likud Party.

The Trump administration also played a key role in orchestrating the Abraham Accords, a series of diplomatic agreements that campaign for the normalization of Israel’s relations with Arab countries, including the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has also played a key role in the Middle East diplomatic strategy of his father-in-law’s administration.

Both Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, are Jewish. Ivanka is said to have changed religion.

(pwn / bac)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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