Home » today » World » Trump retweeted a supremacist video and, after the controversy, deleted it

Trump retweeted a supremacist video and, after the controversy, deleted it

The original tweet and two-minute video that the Republican president retweeted identify the scene as “seniors at The Villages, in Florida,” protesting with each other. “

As an unidentified man and woman pass in a golf cart adorned with signs saying “Trump 2020” and “America First,” they slow down to address protesters, one of whom is holding a sign saying “Make America sane again“.



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As a protester repeatedly chants “racist” to the duo, the man responds by saying “white power” and raises his fist. The rest of the video shows continuous and tense verbal confrontations between the two groups.

“There is no question” that Trump should not have retweeted the video and “should simply remove it,” said the Republican senator. Tim Scott to CNN. Scott is the only black Republican in the Senate.

Soon after, the president deleted the tweet and White House He said in a statement that “President Trump is a great admirer of The Villages.” “Didn’t hear the statement made on the video. What he did see was tremendous enthusiasm from his many followers, “he added.

Trump’s endorsement of these supporters, and the subsequent “white power” comment, comes amid more than a month of protests across the country against the institutional racism and the police brutality, after the murder of the African American George Floyd, May 25 at the hands of the Minneapolis Police.

When asked about the video, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar told CNN that he had not seen the message, but defended Trump against the charges by support white supremacy.

“I didn’t see that video or that tweet, but obviously neither the president, nor his administration, nor I would do anything to support white supremacy, nor anything to support discrimination of any kind,” said Azar.

“Obviously, the president and I and his entire administration would be against any act of white supremacy,” said the official.

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