Home » today » News » Trump returns to the White House, removes his mask and plays down the virus that took him to the hospital | Univision News Elections in the US 2020

Trump returns to the White House, removes his mask and plays down the virus that took him to the hospital | Univision News Elections in the US 2020

Again President Donald Trump urged people to come out and not be afraid of the virus.

“Don’t let it rule your lives. Come out. Be careful, ”Trump said in a short video recorded upon his arrival at the White House.

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Experts recommend that people should be very careful about the deadly virus, which has left more than 210,000 dead in United States.

Trump recorded the video after getting off the Marine 1 presidential helicopter and removing his mask, in defiance. The president arrived at the White House after being discharged from Walter Reed Hospital, where he had been hospitalized since Friday for coronavirus.

“As a leader, I had to do that. He knew there was danger but he had to. I came out front and led, ”Trump said, probably referring to a leadership style that has defied the recommendations of authorities and experts on the virus. “No one who is a leader would not have done what I did.”

Despite being treated with experimental drugs and receiving steroids and oxygen, Trump said he may be “immune” to the virus.

“And vaccines are coming at any moment,” Trump said, contradicting the expectations of experts.

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