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Trump receives harsh punishments from social media

After the violent protests in the United States Capitol, the social networks that played an important role, decided to apply heavy punishments to the users who used these mass media to incite this type of action.

In this sense, social networks proceeded to eliminate publications that sought to organize mobilizations and the one who received the most sanctions was the current president of the United States, Donald Trump.

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Companies to prevent the chaos from taking more force, took action against the profiles of Trump, since they consider that he was inciting violence.

The first social network to block the account of the American president was Twitter that he decided to suspend the profile for 12 hours and the punishment would remove him until he deleted several messages in which he supported a violent mob that took over the capitol.

In one of them he called for an end to violence, but also said “we love you, you are very special”Referring to those who took the building. On the other hand, they threatened Trump that if you continue to break the rules going forward, your account will be permanently suspended.

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However, in the last hours Facebook and Instagram They applied serious sanctions by initially blocking the mogul’s profiles for 24 hours.

Subsequently, they decided to suspend them indefinitely, considering that allowing the president to continue using these services during this period is too risky.

Also, other companies such as YouTube and Snapchat They replicated the restrictions imposed by the other social networks and for the moment they continue to punish users who post and publish hashtags in favor of the assault on the US Capitol.

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For now, several experts believe that the outgoing president Donald Trump, would disappear from these digital spaces, since for months it has maintained a tense relationship with them due to their references to COVID – 19 and the results in the elections.

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