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Trump presents aid package of $ 19 billion to farmers | NOW

On Friday (local time), US President Donald Trump presented a support package worth $ 19 billion (approximately $ 17.5 billion) to assist US farmers financially during the corona crisis.

“The US agricultural sector, like the rest of the United States, is being hit hard by the corona virus,” said agriculture minister Sonny Perdue on Friday. The virus outbreak has caused farmers and other producers to have problems selling their produce, in some cases even destroying food. “This is not only economically damaging, but also heartbreaking for producers,” said Perdue.

The bulk of the aid package, $ 16 billion, goes to direct aid to farmers and other businesses who buy meat, dairy or vegetables in bulk.

The remaining $ 3 billion goes to agencies such as churches, food banks and aid organizations, which can use this money to buy more food to help people in need and thus indirectly support farmers.

More Americans are expected to turn to these agencies because the number of unemployed has risen sharply in recent weeks. In the past four weeks preferably asked 22 million Americans unemployment benefits.

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