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Trump prescribes a mask requirement in the White House – but does not wear one himself

Following the discovery of two corona infections among US government officials, the wearing of face masks is now in White house required. He ordered that, said the US President Donald Trump on Monday evening (local time).

This applies to all public areas of the government headquarters, but not to the offices, as several US media reported on Monday, citing internal instructions. The measure is intended to help prevent further spread of the coronavirus in the White House.

However, Trump said he would not wear a mask himself. The reason given by the US President is that he is not so close to anyone that this is necessary. He was standing on a podium in the garden of the White House some distance away from employees and journalists. Vice President Mike Pence is also said not to wear a mask.

At the end of last week, two corona infections had become known in the White House. Is affected including Vice President Pence spokeswoman Katie Miller. Pence was quarantined so far excluded despite the case in its close environment. However, Trump now said he would talk to Pence about a possible restriction on their contacts. He could speak to his deputy over the phone about such a measure.

On the recent White House cases, Trump said on Monday, “We have that very well under control.” The positive tests are in no way evidence that the security system has collapsed. “It can happen.” Hundreds of people come to the White House every day. The US President said several times that there was only one case of infection – in fact, two employees were tested positive.

At the end of the press conference, how tense the president is at the moment was clear: CBS correspondent Weijia Jiang asked why Trump was so fixated on comparing other countries with regard to the number of corona tests. Trump’s gruff answer to the journalist with Asian roots: “You should ask China the question. Don’t ask me, ask China, okay?” After a brief back and forth involving two other reporters, Trump abruptly ended the press conference and left the podium.

White House cases are out of time for Trump

The US President has been under pressure for days to loosen corona restrictions across the country so the economy can recover. Since he should not like the symbolism that starts from an outbreak in the country’s center of power. Not to mention the specific health risks. After all, Trump himself belongs to the risk group because of his age and excess weight.

The infections in the White House, where top employees are regularly tested for the virus, show how difficult it can be to return to normal operations. The pandemic is far from being controlled in many parts of the country. This also applies to the region around the capital Washington.

The fact that the White House is so vehemently looking for an opening of the country is probably due to the date in early November. Trump urgently needs a thriving economy for good chances of re-election.

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