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Trump Ledek Lady Gaga and Jon Bon Jovi for Supporting Biden

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

President of the United States, Donald Trump, teasing Lady Gaga to Jon Bon Jovi for appearing in the campaign concert of his rival Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden.

Trump complained of the stars’ support in the campaign ahead of the general election in the state of Pennsylvania.

“Now, they have Lady Gaga. I can tell you many stories about Lady Gaga. I know many stories. Lady Gaga,” Trump was quoted as saying NME.

He also criticized Jon Bon Jovi for appearing in Biden’s election campaign. Trump claims that Jon Bon Jovi always looks for face when he meets him

“Every time he met me, he always licked. ‘Oh, sir president.’ He always used it like everyone else, “Trump said.

He then said, “You know what happened? He would only sing one or two songs, then he would go, then the crowd would go, and only Joe would stand there.”

Trump also believes he will gain more votes than Biden even though he doesn’t get much support from celebrities.

“That also happened to Hillary, right? They supported Beyonce and Jay-Z, didn’t they? She started using harsh words in front of the crowd and it was very unbelievable. They then left the show and Hillary stood on stage with an empty audience,” he said.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

In the 2016 election, Trump did fight against Hillary Clinton. At that time, Clinton received support from a number of celebrities, while Trump did not. However, Trump emerged victorious.

Some observers think Trump could win because the level of citizen participation in the election is very low. In this election, a number of celebrities also reminded the public to exercise their voting rights.

They showed off their photos after using the voting rights through various social networks, including Instagram and Twitter.


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