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Trump is backing down: We haven’t found an anti-Coronavir drug

The US President denied at a press conference that the United States of America reached an anti-retroviral drug, retracting his previous statements regarding the imminence of an anti-retroviral drug.

And US President Donald Trump revealed during a press conference yesterday that the United States authorized the use of the drug “Remdisfer” in the trials of Corona treatment.

He said that he signed the “defense production to combat the Corona effect” law, only in preparation for the worst scenarios in the future, saying: “I hope we don’t need it, but we are all in this together.”“.

Trump said in a tweet via his official Twitter account: “I only signed the Defense Production Act to fight the Chinese virus if we needed to prepare for the worst scenario in the future, I hope it is not needed, but we are all in this together.”! “.

US President Donald Trump recently took several measures and signed laws to contain the economic damage of the Coronavirus, led by a law allocating 100 billion dollars, to conduct free tests, to examine the Coronavirus, and to give paid sick leave to people with the virus..

This is the second law approved by Congress to allocate funds to confront the Corona pandemic, and the White House is negotiating with the Senate to approve an additional $ 500 billion to contain the economic damage to the Corona virus, and will be earmarked for payment of checks to all adult Americans who receive an annual income of less than a million dollars by Sixth of next April.

The US Senate approved, on Wednesday night, emergency measures to alleviate the financial hardships caused by the Corona Virus pandemic, which caused huge economic losses.

It is scheduled that the new law called “Corona First Law for Response to Families” will provide assistance to those affected by the virus through unemployment insurance programs and ration cards, and the new law will extend sick leave with pay for some workers.

The White House announced earlier that it would offer a $ 1 trillion economic package to combat the Corona epidemic, including $ 250 billion, which would provide direct cash support to individuals..

Trump had said earlier: We are in a state of war against the invisible Corona virus, and we will defeat our invisible enemy as soon as we are making progress in this regard, and announced the activation of the work and activities of the “Federal Emergency Management Agency” across the country to counter the Corona virus.

While Mike Pence, the American Vice President, confirmed that the US Defense Department will allocate all its resources to confront the Corona virus, saying: We use all the resources of the American government to confront the virus, adding: We agreed with Canada to close the borders between us to limit the spread of the virus..

As of Wednesday, the infection cases in the United States exceeded 7,000, and the death toll exceeded 100.

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