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Trump has already voted: “For a guy named Trump”

Donald Trump after casting his vote, wearing a face mask.

Photo: AP

Donald Trump has taken an early vote in the November 3 presidential election. “I voted for a guy named Trump,” he told the Florida polling station. Remarkable: the American president wore a mouth mask. Even though he continues to put the corona crisis into perspective and still speaks to thousands of unmasked supporters at rallies.

Not surprisingly for whom Trump went to vote in a library in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Saturday. The place was also to be expected: Trump often stays at his mansion and golf resort Mar-a-Lago in West Palm Beach and has already cast his vote in other elections. What was somewhat surprised, however, was that he was wearing a mouth mask. He usually detests those things and does not like to be photographed with them. But it was necessary to comply with the rules to vote in person.

The latter is an important point for Trump. Partly out of fear of the corona virus, a record number of more than 56 million Americans have already voted early, of whom more than 38.5 million voters by mail. In the past, Donald Trump himself often voted that way, but this year the president continues to repeat without proof that voting by mail would be susceptible to fraud. Again, he said that casting a vote in person is “much safer” than voting by post. “Everything was perfect. Strict, very strict, by the rules, ”said Trump. “If you send in your ballot paper, it can never be that safe.”

Trump has already voted:
Much of the audience did not wear a mouth mask at a meeting in North Carolina.


Less safe were the election rallies in North Carolina later in the day. The president spoke in two of the most affected areas of the state, but omitted his face mask, as did much of the audience. He also poked fun at a campaign event from his Democratic rival Joe Biden. He had held a drive-in meeting the day before, where the audience could each follow Biden’s speech in their own car. “There were so few cars,” Trump said. “I’ve never seen such an audience.”

The record for the highest number of new infections in one day fell in the US on Saturday, with no fewer than 83,000 cases in 24 hours. But the president does not see any problem with that either. “The numbers are increasing because more testing is going on,” he said on Twitter. He is only the media who “spread fear”.

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