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Trump goes out in search of the precious vote of Hispanics – Telemundo Denver

LAS VEGAS – President Donald Trump on Sunday tried to develop a more attractive image to Hispanic voters, which could be essential in the most contested states and define the race for the White House, noting the economic advances they had before for the coronavirus pandemic to arrive.

Although Trump has made a lot of disparaging comments about Hispanics, his campaign is increasingly optimistic that he has garnered some support that could help him in Florida, Arizona and Nevada, the states that this end of week.

The president chaired a panel discussion with Latinos in Las Vegas on Sunday, hours before an evening rally, his first indoor event since holding a campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which was credited with a spike in the number of infections. of coronavirus.

Attracting the support of Hispanics has been an uphill struggle for Trump, whose strict immigration policies and sometimes offensive portrayal of immigrants have alienated many Hispanics.

In the early stages of his 2016 campaign, he declared that many Mexican migrants were “rapists.”

He has been the target of criticism for his tepid response to a hurricane that devastated Puerto Rico, for his measures to separate children from their families on the border with Mexico, and his attempts to dismantle a program implemented by his predecessor Barack Obama that allows children to young immigrants who came to the country without permission during their childhood remain in the United States.

The event was held despite restrictions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in Nevada and without respecting social distancing.

“They understand the situation on the southern border. They want people to come, and I do too, but they want them to come in accordance with the law, ”Trump told a small group of supporters in Las Vegas. “While Joe Biden has failed them, I have fulfilled the Latinos.”

There is growing concern that the Democratic candidate, former Vice President Biden, has not done enough to appeal to Hispanic voters.

His running mate, California Sen. Kamala Harris, did little to appeal to Florida’s growing and influential Hispanic population during a visit to the state last week.

He said it at a campaign event in Nevada, where dozens of supporters without masks arrived.

Biden has not set foot in Arizona or Nevada during his presidential campaign, which for the most part has been conducted virtually due to the pandemic.

Trump targeted Hispanic voters on Sunday, highlighting their low unemployment rate prior to the arrival of COVID-19 in the United States and reaffirming his anti-abortion stance. He again promoted his position that the law is applied and there is order, pointing out that the recent episodes of violence in different cities of the United States are dangerous for Latinos.

“The lethargic Joe Biden has spent 47 years in politics and has been terrible with Hispanics. Now he is leaning on Castro worshiper Bernie Sanders to help him, ”Trump tweeted Sunday. “That is not going to work!”

rump had signed a decree excluding undocumented immigrants from being counted as part of the US population

Senator Sanders, who ran against Biden in the primaries before backing the former vice president, was criticized earlier in the year for a televised interview in which he praised Fidel Castro for a literacy program and said it was “unfair to simply say that everything is bad ”in Cuba.

Calculations from the Pew Research Center and AP VoteCast show that approximately three in 10 Latino voters gave their preference to Trump in 2016 and to Republican candidates in 2018.

The figure is consistent with long-term trends in party identification among Hispanic voters, according to Pew.

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