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Trump Fraud Case: Exploring the Controversy and Legal Battles

NEW YORK (Dagbladet): Usually, it is not allowed to broadcast TV images from federal court cases in the United States. In this case, however, a number of American media have requested that the federal case should be shown on television due to the extraordinary circumstances.

In this case, Trump is accused of having tried to overturn the election result after he lost to current President Joe Biden in the election in November 2020. In the period after the election, Trump and others are said to have made plans to hold on to power despite the defeat. It all ended in a violent attack by Trump supporters against Congress on January 6, 2021.

The case is scheduled to start on March 4 next year.

TRUMP: Former US President Donald Trump rages against the ongoing fraud case against him, October 4, 2023. Video: Reuters Show more

– Worldwide

On Friday, Trump’s lawyers submitted documents to the court where Trump also requests this, reports say AP.

– I want this trial to be seen by everyone in the whole world. The prosecution wants to continue this travesty in the dark, and I want sunlight, says the former president himself on stage during a campaign event in New Hampshire on Saturday night, according to New York Times.

Done with Trump:- More dangerous

He denies doing anything wrong in any of the many cases he is involved in. Instead, Trump calls everything a political witch hunt.

In court documents on Friday, Trump’s lawyers reiterate that the indictment against the former president is politically motivated. Trump is also now the favorite to become the Republican presidential candidate in the election next year.

– Requires

Trump’s defenders also suggest that Trump wants to use the trial as a platform to repeat his completely unsubstantiated claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

– President Trump absolutely agrees, and in fact demands, that this trial be fully televised so that the American public can see with their own eyes what this case – like the others – is nothing more than a fabricated, unconstitutional game that must never happen again, write Trump’s lawyers.

Prosecutors do not want the trial to be televised and point to a national ban on cameras in federal courtrooms. The US Department of Justice believes that cameras in courtrooms can be a problem because they can influence witnesses and lawyers.

– If a witness is filmed, it is not just a floating image, but exists forever. If there is an appeal or a new trial, then witnesses who have been exposed to criticism or harassment in social media may be unwilling to testify again, writes the Ministry of Justice, according to AP.

Ivanka in court: – Sad

The problems are growing

The legal problems just keep getting bigger and bigger around Trump.

This autumn, he has also spent several days in a court in New York. Here he and his business organization are being sued by New York Attorney General Letitia James for extensive fraud. The judge in the case has already concluded that Trump has committed fraud by inflating the value of his assets. Now he risks a penalty of 250 million dollars (about NOK 2.75 billion) as well as losing the right to conduct business in the state.

In practice, it could demolish large parts of Trump’s real estate business. In this trial, photographers have been allowed in for a few minutes at the start, while photography is prohibited during the proceedings themselves.

In addition to this case, Trump is charged with 91 counts in four different criminal cases.

Different judges

Judge Tanya Chutkan in the already mentioned case in Washington DC, has made it clear that she seems to want to stick with the case starting on March 4th. Chutkan was appointed as a judge by then-Democratic President Barack Obama.

Trump is also accused in another federal case in Florida of having stolen classified documents with him from the White House to Mar-a-Lago and obstructing attempts by US authorities to get them back.

The judge in this case, Aileen Cannon, was appointed by Trump. She has allowed several deadlines to be pushed back so that it is unlikely that the case will start as planned in May next year.

The judge intervenes: – Clear message

Trump himself wants to postpone these matters for as long as possible and most preferably until after he potentially wins the presidential election next year.

– No big surprise

However, some states allow television cameras in their courtrooms. Therefore, the public has been able to see TV images from the court process in Georgia, where Trump and 18 co-defendants are accused of trying to change the election result.

Trump is also indicted in New York for his role in the attempts to pay kickbacks to porn actress Stormy Daniels before the 2016 presidential election. According to prosecutors, the money should have been paid so that she would not speak publicly about an alleged affair with Trump.

– It is no great surprise that the former reality star Trump wants a live trial. As in his testimony in the fraud case this week, he has chosen a strategy of creating noisy conflict to cover up the legal issues in his cases, and to use the legal process to reinforce the message that he is a victim, and that grievances, which is the heart of his re-election campaign, writes New York Times.

2023-11-12 02:42:57
#claim #Parody

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