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Trump fires intelligence chief involved in impeachment investigation | NOW

The American Inspector General of Intelligence, Michael Atkinson, will be removed from office in 30 days. He was responsible for handling the complaint about the telephone call between US President Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky that led to the impeachment of Trump.

Trump writes in a letter to Congress that he considers it important that he can fully trust his inspector general. At Atkinson – whom he has appointed himself – “this is no longer the case,” said the President of the United States.

Atkinson briefed Congress last year about a whistleblower report that Trump had asked Zelensky to start a corruption investigation against Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son. This led to the impeachment proceedings against Trump.

After two months of hearings, Trump was indicted by the House of Representatives, where the Democrats hold a majority, for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The Senate, where Republicans are in the majority, acquitted him in February.

Also top advisers and deputy chief of staff fired

Trump previously put two top advisors who testified in the impeachment investigation from the White House: Alexander Vindman, the Ukraine adviser to the United States National Security Council (NSC), and Gordon Sondland, the US EU envoy.

In March replaced Trump also has Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff. The relationship between the President and Mulvaney is said to have been put to the test by, among other things, the role he played in the impeachment investigation. He would not have been quick enough to set up an effective strategy to defend the President.

It is still unknown who will replace Atkinson.

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