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Trump family business sued for tax evasion

That was reported by the New York prosecutor yesterday, who arrested financial chief Allen Weisselberg of The Trump Organization.

Weisselberg and Former President Donald Trump’s Company denied being guilty and the financial chief was released, but had to surrender his passport.


According to the prosecutor in New York, Weisselberg kept payments from the books for years, resulting in more than $ 900,000 in tax (about 760,000 euros).

This concerns benefits such as lease cars, housing and private education that count as income, but on which the tax was not paid.

Top people of The Trump Organization would have arranged the black payments. They would also have benefited from it with secret wage increases.

Trump spoke yesterday of “a witch hunt by the radical left Democrats”. A lawyer for The Trump Organization said he does not believe the company will suffer serious damage from the allegations. “If this company had had a different name, these charges would not have been made.”

Hotels, golf courses and holiday homes

The Trump Organization said earlier that the Democratic prosecutor was only out to harm the former president. The company has hotels, golf courses and vacation rentals around the world.

Weisselberg is seen as the most important person within The Trump Organization who does not belong to the Trump family, writes The Washington Post. He has worked for Trump since the 1980s, who made his name as a real estate mogul before his political career.

Elections 2016

The prosecutors once began their investigation into possible involvement of The Trump Organization in paying hush money to two women who claimed to have had an affair with Trump. This happened in the run-up to the 2016 elections.

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