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Trump boasts of saving the Saudi crown prince from the Khashoggi murder case

WASHINGTON DC, KOMPAS.com – Presiden AS Donald Trump brag, he saved Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman from murder charges Jamal Khashoggi.

He revealed it in an interview with a veteran US journalist at the same time The Washington Post, Bob Woodward, who later booked under the title Rage.

In 18 interviews with Woodward, Trump joked he was defending the so-called prince MBS it was when Jamal Khashoggi killed in October 2018.

Also read: This book shows that MBS’s shrewdness won Trump’s heart so he became Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia

“I saved her ass,” she told Woodward, in a snippet of footage published by Business Insider Thursday (10/9/2020).

Reported AFPThe 74-year-old president claimed he had succeeded in compelling the US Congress not to harass the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia since 2017.

“I can stop Congress from chasing it anymore. I can prevent them from investigating it,” explained the real estate tycoon.

The Republican president said he believed MBS was not involved the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.

Woodward quoted that the president had always emphasized that the 35-year-old prince had never killed the journalist.

“To be honest, I am pleased with what he said. He will clearly say that to you, to Congress, to everyone,” he explained.

Also read: The wealth of the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, from Cruises to Castles in France

Contributor death The Post it provoked the outrage of Capitol politicians. But the White House continues to defend Riyadh.

In fact, the Trump administration is in the spotlight after authorizing $ 8 billion (Rp.119.5 trillion) arms sales to the Saudis.

The 45th president later emphasized that he defended Riyadh because they always buy US products, including weapons.

“Bob, they spent 400 billion US dollars (Rp. 5.9 quadrillion) in just a very short time,” said the president.

Also read: Kushner meets Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince MBS, what will be discussed?

Khashoggi was murdered after being framed in the Saudi cosnulate in Istanbul to file his divorce in October 2018.

In just a few minutes, the journalist who was once a Saudi inner circle was mutilated and disappeared, according to Turkish and US statements.

On Monday (7/9/2020), Riyadh drew criticism for annulling the death penalty for the five defendants deemed most responsible.

In the court’s claim, they sentenced him to prison because Jamal Khashoggi’s family had already granted pardon.

Also read: Trump: Kim Jong Un told me how he killed his uncle

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