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Trump announces his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election on Tuesday

was trump He had previously hinted at the possibility of running again, saying he would be voting from his Florida residence."Great announcement" He hasn’t built much of a stir in recent days, especially after rumors circulated of him preparing for a race Race to the White House Again.

Jason Miller, a Trump adviser, said via podcast "war roms" Which is offered by another friend of the former Republican president Steve BannonThat "President Trump will announce on Tuesday that he is a candidate in the presidential election. And it’s going to be a very professional and very elaborate advertisement".

Miller indicated that he met with Trump (76) on Friday, who told him "Sure I will. I will, and I want to make sure people understand that I’m excited and that we need to get the country back on track. Everyone knows I’m running".

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This will be Trump’s third nomination in the race for the White House. Though his influence cannot be denied the Republican Party, However, on Tuesday the former Republican president emerged weak from the midterm elections that disappointed many in his party.

And at a time when the final results have not yet appeared, it seems that the Democrats have managed to limit their losses.

Several days after the polls, the votes are still being counted on Friday in a climate of suspense, while it has not yet been decided whether any party will control the party. Congress.

And it looked like Republicans were on course to win a majority in the House of Representatives, but they were still seven seats short.

As for the Senate, one vote in Nevada and another in Arizona could be decisive. If either party wins these two seats, it grants control over the two seats Senate.


was trump He had previously hinted at the possibility of his re-run, saying he would make a “big announcement” from his Florida residence, which hasn’t garnered much suspense in recent days, especially after rumors circulated about his readiness to run. Race to the White House Again.

Trump adviser Jason Miller said via the “War Room” podcast, hosted by another friend of the former Republican president. Steve Bannon“President Trump will announce on Tuesday that he is a candidate for the presidential election. It will be a very professional announcement and a very elaborate one.”

Miller indicated that he met last Friday with Trump (76), who told him, “Of course I’m going to run. I will and I want to make sure people realize that I’m excited and that we need to get the country back on track. Everyone knows I’m going to run.”

This will be Trump’s third nomination in the race for the White House. Though his influence cannot be denied the Republican Party, However, on Tuesday the former Republican president emerged weak from the midterm elections that disappointed many in his party.

And at a time when the final results have not yet appeared, it seems that the Democrats have managed to limit their losses.

Several days after the polls, the votes are still being counted on Friday in a climate of suspense, while it has not yet been decided whether any party will control the party. Congress.

And it looked like Republicans were on course to win a majority in the House of Representatives, but they were still seven seats short.

As for the Senate, one vote in Nevada and another in Arizona could be decisive. If either party wins these two seats, it grants control over the two seats Senate.

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