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Trump and Cuomo plan to double number of tests in New York State | Coronavirus

Upon leaving the meeting, shortly before 5 pm, Governor Cuomo said he was “satisfied” with his discussion with the US president.

The meeting went well and I think it was productive, Cuomo told the MSNBC Network. The goal of the two men would be to double the number of tests in New York State from 20,000 tests per day to 40,000 tests.

This desire to double the quantity of tests was confirmed by the president during his daily press briefing to take stock of the situation in the country.

I am very proud of the relationship my administration has developed with the State and City of New York, said Donald Trump before indicating that he had spent without counting to provide medical equipment to the state.

The US president also provided a few details regarding his executive order to temporarily suspend immigration to the United States. This ban will be for a period of 60 days and may be renewed. depending on economic conditions. Temporary workers in the fields would, however, be allowed to enter the country, the president said on Tuesday evening.

Mr. Trump indicated that the executive order would be probably signed [mercredi] and that it aimed to prioritize hiring Americans when the economy picks up. It would be a shame if unemployed Americans were overtaken by new immigrants when we get the economy going again, did he declare.

Twenty states are already preparing for economic recovery, according to Mr. Trump. They will do it carefully and with a lot of passion, he estimated.

US President Donald Trump

Photo : Getty Images / Drew Angerer

Donald Trump was notably accompanied by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who answered journalists’ questions about the new SME assistance plan approved by the Senate on Tuesday.

Arm wrestling over the question of testing

The relationship between Donald Trump and Andrew Cuomo has certainly been a roller coaster lately, but they have agreed to put aside their political differences in favor of coordination in the face of the pandemic.

During his daily press briefing earlier today, Governor Cuomo told reporters he was simply counting tell the truth to the president. It’s a situation that requires everyone to work together, he added, specifying that the discussions risked revolving around screening tests.

In this regard, Cuomo said he agreed with the federal government’s position to delegate the responsibility of testing to the states, but he said Washington had to make sure that it provided enough material to the governors.

To date, New York State has more than 19,600 dead from COVID-19.

In New York City alone, 144,190 people are living with COVID-19 and 14,604 people have died from the disease since the start of the pandemic, according to data compiled by the Washington Post.

Across the United States, the toll now stands at 813,589 COVID-19 cases and 45,174 deaths.

History books will ‘severely judge’ Trump’s response

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Tuesday that a strategic reserve of medical equipment would be set up for the metropolis.

We learned the hard way that we will no longer be able to depend on the federal government, said Mr. de Blasio. I hate having to say it, but I think it’s pretty obvious.

This reserve will include face shields, surgical gowns and medical masks.

Two employees wearing medical coveralls take a break behind a window at a New York hospital.

Employees of the Elmhurst Hospital in the Queens neighborhood of New York

Photo : Getty Images / Jeenah Moon

The mayor sharply criticized President Trump’s response to the pandemic. The two men spoke on the phone to discuss the economic recovery of the metropolis.

He maintains a false optimism by making believe that it will be easy to return as before, said Mr. de Blasio. It will not be easy, but we will make it happen.

He said absolutely nothing about what he plans to do to get the city, which has been the country’s epicenter of the pandemic, back on its feet.

According to the mayor, the history books will judge severely the president’s response, by placing him alongside Gerald Ford and Herbert Hoover who ignored economic depressions and failed to revive the country.

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