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Trump and Biden reiterate their well-known positions in a fairly tame debate

Twelve days before the elections in the United States, it was mainly a matter of avoiding blunders for both candidates and that seems to have worked. Both candidates seemed to have understood that the public did not like the shouting match of a few weeks ago.

The debate was slow, both in terms of form and content. Both candidates reiterated known positions and each avoided a “knock out”. Biden, who is in the lead in the polls, had to avoid blunders and did so. Trump was calm, friendly at times, and tried to make a presidential impression.

Corona: Lots of lives saved or lost

Striking image: Joe Biden stepped onto the stage with a mouth mask, although he immediately took it away. Trump was not wearing a mask. Another image: Biden looked at the camera very often during the debate (so at the voter), Trump did not or hardly, but he very often dropped the names of states such as Pennsylvania and Ohio, the states where the election may have been decided. will be.

Trump defended his approach to the corona crisis and said he gets praise from other countries for that. However, according to Biden, there is no approach at all and Trump has failed, resulting in 220,000 deaths in the US. Trump promised there will be a vaccine by the end of the year. Biden previously saw “a dark winter” in which masks and “social distancing” will be absolutely necessary.

“You get a lot of money from abroad”

It was a bit sharper when it passed national security went. Trump blamed Biden for having received a lot of money from Ukraine, China and Russia, and his family (including his son Hunter) wondered what they had to do. However, anyone who had hoped for “a smoking gun” or new revelations about Biden’s son was disappointed. Biden said he never got “a penny” from abroad and pointed out that it is Trump who has bank accounts in China and pays taxes there, which he hardly does in the US.

I have never received a cent from abroad

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden

“Countries involved in the electoral struggle will pay a price”

North Korea then: according to Trump, his meeting with Kim Jong-un avoided war; Biden blamed the president for dealing with “thugs” such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping in China and Kim Jong-un in North Korea. The latter now has more nuclear capacity and missiles than four years ago, it said.

Biden did have a caveat: he promised land like Russia, Iran or China “will pay a price for interfering in the US elections”. He accused Trump of not taking any action against this. The president reiterated that a “costly investigation” into his ties to Russia was a “political witch hunt” that has shown nothing.

“The stock market collapses when Biden becomes president”

Well-known positions were also repeated on the economy, for or against Obamacare, unemployment, the stock markets and the like. Trump warned voters that “the stock market will collapse” if Biden is elected. “Most Americans don’t make their money through the stock market,” the other side said.

Why didn’t you do all of that in those 8 years that you were vice president?

Republican President Donald Trump on his opponent’s plans

Trump did score a point when he accused Biden of suddenly having big plans, but wondered why he hadn’t done all of that when he was vice president under Barack Obama for eight years.

“Migrant children are well cared for”

Perhaps less well was Trump’s statement that the children of illegal migrants who have been separated from their parents are “well looked after” in “very tidy settings”. Many Americans may remember the images of children crying in cages, as a result of the harsh approach to migration in 2017 and 2018. The photos of cages date back to the time under Obama (when Biden was vice president), Trump said. not rods.

“This is just criminal,” Biden described the divorce of parents and children. He pledged to give eleven million foreigners residing in the US without documents the opportunity to obtain nationality. These are the so-called “dreamers”, people who entered the US illegally as children and who want to send Trump back to a country they do not know.

“Institutional Racism in America”

“Black lives matter” could also be part of the debate. Biden sarcastically sneered at Trump as “that Abraham Lincoln there” when he claimed he did more for blacks than any other president. “There is institutional racism in America, that’s a fact, “said Biden.

Democrat Biden will probably be on the defensive when Trump pointed to his support for a 1994 anti-crime law that would put many more blacks in prison. Biden acknowledged that this was a mistake. Black voters could be crucial in the election, and Trump this time avoided showing sympathy for white far-right groups.

“You hear that, Texas, Pennsylvania …?”

“We immediately step into it again Climate treaty of Paris if I become president, “Joe Biden promised. He promised a major plan to shift the US away from fossil fuels. That will create economic growth and lots of jobs,” Biden argued.

Trump hit back: “Biden is going to destroy the oil industry. You hear that in Texas and Pennsylvania?” Those are pivotal states in the election and states with oil industries, something Trump naturally wants to mobilize his following.

I don’t see red or blue states, I see America, the United States

Joe Biden promises to be the president of all Americans

Whether this debate has now convinced many undecided voters is questionable, however. At least 46 million Americans have already cast their votes, in polls or by mail, and that is far more than ever before.

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