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Trump almost admits defeat in presidential election

At the first conference of the American President after the victory of his Democratic adherent was announced, Donald Trump spoke about the spread of the pandemic in the United States and advances in the development of vaccines and therapies to combat Sars-CoV-2, without ever mention the name of the President-elect. But in declaring that his Administration would not again intend to impose any containment, Trump admitted the possibility of different leadership in the future.

“Ideally, we will not go to confinement, I will not go to confinement, this administration will not go to confinement. Hopefully, whatever happens in the future, who knows what administration it will be”, said the American head of state.

“I think time will tell. But I can say that this government will not go into confinement”, he added.

These statements, on Friday, at the White House, were the first in which Trump did not denounce – unproven – illegalities in the electoral process and in which he almost admitted that he may not be the winner of the presidential elections.

Democrat Joe Biden was declared the winner last Saturday, something Donald Trump has refused to admit, systematically denouncing alleged irregularities in the electoral process.

On Monday, United States Attorney General William Barr even called for an investigation into “substantial allegations” of ballot count irregularities, although he acknowledged there was no evidence.

Trump did not speak to the media and was barely seen in public since the election results were announced until this Friday conference.

In the meantime, several US media outlets, including NBC and CNN, projected Biden’s victory with 306 electoral college delegates, against 232 of Trump.

Biden managed to win in Georgia and Arizona, while Trump won in North Carolina. The Democrat had already exceeded 270 delegates at the Electoral College – half of the 538 major voters in this body plus one – needed to ensure victory in the presidential election.

However, the Trump campaign continues to try to find evidence of electoral fraud to reverse presidential results, but all attempts have so far failed.

Trump secures Pfizer vaccine soon

Donald Trump took advantage of this Friday’s conference to talk about the Covid-19 vaccine, developed by multinational pharmaceutical company Pfizer and BioNTech, whose announced 90 percent effectiveness “far exceeded expectations”.

The American President also spoke about the investment made in Operation Warp Speed and left a ‘warning’ to Pfizer, who admitted not to belong to this seemed public-private, initiated by the Trump Administration, to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacture and distribution of vaccines, therapies and diagnostics against Covid-19.

Pfizer said it did not belong to [Operação] Warp Speed, but that was an unfortunate representation. They are part [da parceria], that’s why we gave them $ 1.95 billion and it was an unfortunate mistake when they said “, afirmou Trump.

According to the Republican, the United States is working on a special authorization and in April the vaccine should be available to the entire population.. The pharmaceutical company Pfizer expects to have the required safety data as early as next week and, from there, it can request an authorization to be able to produce and inoculate the population with this vaccine.

Donald Trump still had time to talk about the economic recovery and leave a note for New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

In Trump’s words, the New York State will not receive the vaccine against the new coronavirus when it is available, Andrew Cuomo “does not trust” the origin of the vaccines and admitted that he plans to do a review to ensure the safety of the drug.

“They are coming from the biggest companies anywhere in the world, from the biggest laboratories in the world, but he doesn’t trust the fact that it’s this White House, this Administration, so we won’t hand it over to New York until we have authorization to do and it costs me to say that “, declared the still head of state.

Trump has always been skeptical about physical distance and the use of a face mask to minimize the spread of the new coronavirus, but this time he changed his speech and called on the population to be “vigilant, especially as the weather gets colder “.

At the end of his statements, Trump stepped away from the pulpit and did not allow any questions from journalists.

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