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Trump administration proposes new rule that would make it harder for migrants to seek asylum | Univision Immigration News

The administration of Donald trump is proposing a new regulation that would make it difficult to apply for asylum for migrants in the United States, as reported by CNN, citing a draft standard published by the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice.

The 161 page rule, which will be published in the Federal Register on June 15, lists a number of changes that would pose even greater challenges for people seeking asylum in the United States.

Under a proposed change, the asylum application of an individual could face increased scrutiny if the person traveled through at least one country while heading to the United States but he did not seek refuge there. The Trump administration applied a similar rule for migrants traveling through Mexico from America Latina, but the last rule extends the reach of people who could fall under those restrictions, with some exceptions, as a victim of human trafficking.

“Departments believe that failure to seek asylum or refugee protection in at least one country through which an alien transited while en route to the United States may reflect a greater likelihood that the alien is making an misuse of the asylum system as a mechanism to enter and remain in the United States rather than legitimately seeking urgent protection, “states the exposure draft.

The proposed regulation also says living illegally in the United States for more than a year before applying for asylum would be considered a “significant adverse factor”, despite the exceptions that currently exist. Similarly, failure to file taxes or have a criminal conviction, even if it was revoked, vacated, or removed, could count against an individual’s asylum claim.

Over the course of Donald Trump’s presidency, the administration has closed or added obstacles to ways that people can seek refuge in the United States.

The litany of proposed rule changes marks yet another attempt by the Trump administration to review the United States immigration system. During a Heritage Foundation event on Tuesday, the Acting Assistant Secretary for Homeland Security, Ken Cuccinelli, He said there would be more changes to the asylum system, but did not elaborate.

The administration has already required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico for their immigration procedures in the US, as well as sent immigrants to the Northern Triangle countries to seek asylum there.

In recent months, too there have been more than a dozen changes to the immigration system as a result of the coronavirus pandemic: Immigration hearings were postponed, refugee admissions were suspended, and immigrants, including children, were barred from entering. the United States. The proposed rule, however, does not mention coronavirus.

Deported, separated or awaiting asylum: this is how six migrants who participated in the caravans live (photos)


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