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Trudeau wants to freeze the bank accounts of those who protest against his measures

Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has declared a state of emergency for the first time in the country’s history in the face of the crisis unleashed by truckers’ protests over the measures imposed in recent days. Among the announced measures, a surprising one has appeared: the Government will be able to block the bank accounts of the demonstrators who protest against its administration. They may do so at their discretion, without judicial decision in this regard.

“This is about keeping Canadians safe and protecting citizens’ jobs,” Trudeau assured when presenting these shock measures, justifying himself by trying to provide the Police with “more tools” to act against protesters.

This state of emergency is a measure in response to the protests unleashed in recent days against the measures imposed by the Government, which include the mandatory vaccination of truckers who move on their routes between Canada and the United States.

Trudeau has explained that this measure will be “limited in time”, its use will be “responsible and proportionate” and has assured that the Army will not be used. “This is about Canadians being safe, about protecting people’s jobs,” said the Canadian president after three weeks of protests against the restrictions.

The deputy prime minister, Chrystia Freeland, has explained that banks will be able to seize the personal accounts of those who participate in these protests and that any activist’s vehicle insurance can also be suspended. She will also act against cryptocurrencies, which are part of what she has called “terrorist financing”.

They are also preparing an extension of the regulations on the financing of terrorism to include cryptocurrencies and internet collection platforms. “You have to follow the money,” Freeland explained.

This Sunday the security forces cleared the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor, one of the most important roads that connects Canada with the United States that was blocked by anti-vaccines since last Tuesday. Meanwhile, hundreds of protesters continue to camp in Ottawa.

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