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Trouble in Paradise: Call for Postponement of Phase 3-2 Wind Power Development Bidding amid Rising Costs and Challenges

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Issue 3-2offshore wind powerThe development bids will be closed on April 10. Many wind power developers have recently made frequent requests to legislators andMinistry of Economic AffairsWe sincerely hope that the business selection and bidding process for Phase 3-2 can be postponed, and it is recommended that the bids be opened at the end of this year. Industry insiders said that based on three major reasons, including funding sources, localization policies, and ship dispatching, they hope that the government can give breathing space, which will also positively help the development of the country’s overall wind power industry.

In recent years, global inflation and interest rates have soared, pushing up the cost of offshore wind power construction. In addition, power purchase and sale agreement (CPPA) negotiations between developers and domestic companies have reached a stalemate, affecting the progress of Phase 3-1 of the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ third phase block development. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has decided to extend the approval process for phase 3-1 of offshore wind power block development by half a year. In other words, the grid connection was originally scheduled for 2026 and 2027, but as long as it is connected to the grid at the end of June 2026 and the end of June 2027, it will be deemed not to be in breach of contract.

The progress of Phase 3-1 offshore wind power development has been delayed, and now it is reported that the progress of Phase 3-2 development is also in trouble. Many wind power industry players pointed out that global offshore wind power is facing a general environment such as rising raw materials and interest rates, and development costs are rising. On the one hand, the developers of Phase 3-1 of offshore wind power are developing wind farms, and on the other hand, they are conducting CPPA price negotiations with power purchasing companies. At the same time, bids for Phase 3-2 need to be prepared, and the candles are burning. We call on the competent authorities to postpone the selection process for Phase 3-2.

For the Phase 3-2 supplier selection exercise, most manufacturers advocated postponement, but wind power manufacturer Wo Xu, who did not participate in Phase 3-1, advocated maintaining the original schedule. Wind turbine supplier Siemens also opposed the postponement.

Industry insiders pointed out that if the government insists on completing the 3-2 bidding process on April 10, most businesses will face at least three major problems. First of all, there is a strong demand for financing for the 3-2 phase development, and the role of domestic public equity banks will be more important. However, after seeing the unfavorable development progress of the 3-1 phase, the credit granted by the eight major banks for offshore wind power has become a factor considering the general environment. Changes require more caution than in the past, especially if there is a default in lending, and no one can bear the responsibility of holding the bank accountable from the top to the grassroots managers. Coupled with the impact of rising interest rates, just obtaining funds is currently quite a challenge.

The second difficulty for industry players is the localization policy of wind power. Industry insiders said that this policy was proposed by Shen Rongjin when he was the Minister of Economic Affairs. If the bidders choose more domestic manufacturers, the more favorable the evaluation will be. Taking into account the good intentions of the development of the domestic wind power industry, but it continues to this day, there are only a few domestic manufacturers. Oligopoly and monopoly phenomena.

Industry insiders explain that although the government’s selection of domestic manufacturers is a “buffet” in the name of it, it is actually a “compulsory course.” In addition to the monopoly problem of a few domestic manufacturers, it also leads to increased costs. This is not a disguised protectionism against domestic manufacturers. Long term solution.

Another wind power person pointed out that in the past, Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs Zeng Wensheng once mentioned to domestic wind power manufacturers, “The country cannot protect you for your whole life.” His speech was based on free market competition and was optimistic about its success. However, Zeng Wensheng also did not make it clear. Pointing out the specific proposals on how long the localization policy will last and what the exit conditions will be. Now that the 3-2 business selection process is about to begin, the dilemma faced by most industry players continues to be unresolved.

Industry insiders pointed out that the third point is the issue of ship scheduling. The ships required for offshore wind power development are heavy-duty ships with special specifications. However, including the import of ships and the work of foreign ship technicians in Taiwan, they are currently subject to strict controls. ; In the case that domestic production capacity is quite limited, it also causes unfavorable factors such as increased development costs. Combining the lagging development progress of Phase 3-1 and the three major difficulties, most industry players will call for the business selection of Phase 3-2 to be postponed to take into account the overall positive development of the wind power industry.

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The bidding for Phase 3-2 offshore wind power development will be concluded on April 10. Many wind power developers have recently made frequent representations to the legislators and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, hoping that the selection and bidding of Phase 3-2 can be postponed and construction . ..

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2024-04-03 22:53:09
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