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Tropical storm ‘Dolores’ leaves one dead in Jalisco – Noticieros Televisa

The tropical storm “Dolores” he left a dead man as he passed through Jalisco.

We recommend you: Tropical storm ‘Dolores’ leaves floods in regions of Jalisco

Through a statement, the Jalisco State Civil Protection and Firefighters Unit announced that in Ciudad Guzmán, last Friday night, a man lost his life after lightning struck the soccer field where it was held. a match.

This Sunday, after the passage of “Dolores”, some of the inhabitants of Rebalse, a small town in the Municipality of Cihuatlán, in the south of the state, returned to their homes.

“The weather was calm, it just rained all day, but the past, the truth is that people had to go up to the church,” said Victor Hugo, resident of El Rebalse, Cihuatlán, Jalisco.

The antecedent of floods caused that last Saturday morning, most of the 90 families that inhabit it, took out their belongings and sought refuge.

After the passage of the meteor, they began the return.

In the municipality of La Huerta, one of the 5 coastal municipalities of Jalisco, the antecedent of the damage caused by Hurricane Patricia, in 2015, caused concern among its inhabitants before the arrival of Dolores.

“Patricia was a very strong hurricane, everything was torn to pieces, sheets were flying, it was not known in the houses if it was shaking or was… it was something very big, we were scared because we did not really know how it was going to get there and it started to reach the water and that. Well, by already separating something strong, it was going to happen, ”said Edgar Omar, resident of the Agua Caliente town, La Huerta Municipality.

On highway 200, which goes from Cihuatlán Puerto Vallarta, there were some landslides that did not impede circulation in both directions.

In the municipalities of Cihuatlán, La Huerta, Tomatlán, Cabo Corrientes and Puerto Vallarta there was no damage. In the latter, tourist activities resumed this Sunday.

With information from Francisco Santa Anna



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