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Troms Police District Faces Night of Chaos and Incidents

The Troms police district has been busy on the night of Sunday. The police log on X/Twitter shows an abnormally large number of incidents that the police have had to deal with.

There has been a lot of drunkenness and noise in several places.

In Tromsø, the police patrol reported a man for bodily harm after he had hit a woman in a nightclub. She bled from the mouth after the blow, say the police, who will obtain explanations from the parties later, in a sober state.

The man was expelled from the scene.

Fight in Grønnegata

Later during the night, the police patrol came upon a fight north of Grønnegata and was able to stop it. A man is suspected of violence against two people, who have again suffered minor injuries, the police write in the log.

An ambulance was called to the scene after one of the people had suffered a major bleeding cut. The two victims, a man and a woman, have been checked by paramedics. The woman was dismissed, while the man was taken to the emergency room for repair of the injury.

All parties have been questioned at the scene, and a case is being opened for bodily injury, the police say. The woman is said to have been hit in the head by the suspect, and the man had a stone thrown in his face by the suspect and had his lip cracked.

False fire alarms

On Strandvegen in Tromsø, three false fire alarms have been triggered in the student accommodation at Strandvegen 117, informs the Troms police district.

At the last alarm, the entire building was evacuated. The police write that fire crews had a serious talk with the evacuees as it turned out that the last alarm was also false.

The police patrol in Tromsø was called to a nightclub in the city centre. An unwanted guest was a nuisance for guests and guards. The police expelled the man from the scene for the rest of the night.

The same thing happened earlier in the evening when the police expelled two men from a night club as they were unwanted on the spot by the security guards.

The police patrol also had to expel another man from the city center for the rest of the night because of aggressive behavior and hints of a fight. The police write that the patrol’s presence prevented enough for it to develop into a scuffle.

The police patrol also came across a drunken man who was inside the fences of a construction site. He was checked, and dismissed without further reactions.

Arrested for drunken driving

At Finnsnes, a man was arrested on suspicion of drink-driving, following a tip from the public. The man was produced for a blood test, and his driving license was confiscated. He was observed driving on the Innfartsveien in the direction from Finnfjordbotn to Finnsnes, where he was arrested, the police write.

It didn’t happen without drama. The car was first observed driving on the rim on two wheels towards Finnsnes. The police write that they broke the side window of the car to gain control of the driver and arrest him.

The police patrol at Finnsnes also had to evict a drunken man from the center for the rest of the night, due to his quarrelsome and undesirable behaviour.

Another guest at a night club was unruly and unwelcome on the premises. The police expelled the man from the center for the rest of the night, the police say.

They also had to take control of a drunk and acting man in the city centre. He stopped cars and more according to callers. The police took the man home, where he was cared for.

Knocked on the wrong door

In Harstad, in the morning hours on Sunday, the police received a report that an unknown man was standing and knocking on the front door of the reporting party.

The police write that they also heard the knocking on the door in the background. The police patrol arrived at the scene and found an intoxicated man who was at the wrong address. He was sent in the direction of his own residence, the police say.

The police in Harstad also had to end a party at a private address after neighbors complained about a lot of noise.

In Sørreisa, UP has seized a driver’s license from a young man who was measured driving at 87 kilometers per hour in the 60 zone at the petrol station. The limit on driving license suspensions in the 60 zone is 86 kilometers per hour.

In Evenskjer, UP has stopped a car on the E10 due to high speed. The car was measured at 117 kilometers per hour in the 90 zone. The driver did not have a valid driver’s license and was reported for this, informs the Troms police district.

The car owner was a passenger, and he has been reported for complicity in the transfer, and had his driver’s license confiscated. There were also two minors in the back seat of the car. The police contacted their parents.

2023-10-15 06:46:21

#Busy #night #police #Violence #women #drinkdriving #fights #dramatic #arrests #false #fire #alarms

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