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Trisakti University Chairman Intimidated in Proclamation Against New Tyranny

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Chairman of the Student Executive Board or BEM Trisakti University, Vladima Insan Mardika, admitted that he was intimidated while preparing to read the proclamation entitled Saving Democracy Against New Tyranny by the Trisakti University academic community.

“We apologize for the shortage of microphones or speakers that we did not provide because this is a form of repression that has happened to us. “Today, many parties understand that we will make a declaration, an announcement, read out the Triskati edict against the new tyranny,” he said at the May 12 Trisakti Monument on Jalan Kyai Tapa, Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta, Friday, February 9 2024.

As for the forms of intimidation, he said, such as being prohibited from entering campus by the campus on the grounds that it was a holiday. In fact, according to him, campuses should not ban them for this reason.

“It is an embarrassment for us, especially for myself, the student president, who cannot bring students to campus. The student vice president, Lamdar, today also received intimidation from several former Trisakti student presidents. I can’t say his name. But that’s a fact,” he said.

Meanwhile, Trisakti University Lecturer, Dadan Umar Daihani remembers the moment 26 years ago when Trisakti University complemented other student movements. At that time, he said, the professors’ senate stated that it supported the student movement. “In the afternoon we were bombarded and precisely the heroes of reform died here,” said Dadan at the Trisaktir May 12 Monument. “Legal reform, democracy is running, civil society is improving, but 26 years later there are signs that reform will no longer work well.”



According to him, campus is a place to build ethics, so if it is violated it will become a problem. “Outside, ethics seems unnecessary. 26 years ago we fought for that and we remind it again. “If the leadership process is not carried out in a civilized and ethical manner, don’t expect the goal of an independent Indonesia to be achieved,” he said.

Previously, a cross-generational forum of students, alumni, lecturers and professors at Trisakti University read out a proclamation entitled Saving Democracy Against New Tyranny. This proclamation urges President Joko Widodo or Jokowi and all state administrators to return to the 1998 Reformation path.

The Trisakti University academic community claims to uphold the ethical values ​​of nationalism, democracy and human rights, expressing concern over the death of reform and the birth of tyranny.

Vladima opposes various violations of the ethics of national life shown by state administrators, especially by the Constitutional Court and President Jokowi, followed by officials from the palace, ministries and institutions, up to the KPU. “We reject the personification and personalization of the state’s obligations to the people’s rights for electoral partisan purposes,” he said.

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2024-02-09 13:18:08

#Trisakti #University #BEM #Chairman #Admits #Intimidated #Preparing #Jokowis #Criticism #Statement

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