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Triple H promises “Today”: TakeOver XXX will be epic! – wrestling

WWE Summerslam is just around the corner, but that also means NXT takeover! Triple H is already looking forward to the big anniversary event in the “Today” talk.

The night before Summerslam it crashes again at NXT. The third WWE brand is more than an overture for the big show, Takeover XXX could become the absolute showstealer and benchmark.

NXT boss Triple H knows that too: “We have an unbelievable level of talent and the next ones are already waiting. Look at that, Keith Lee versus Karrion Kross will be a massive main event for the NXT title, including the ladder The match for the North American title will be unbelievable. It will be an epic evening, “said the 14-time heavyweight champion in an international call.

“It’s a bit crazy considering that we’re still here now. We had the first takeover here at Full Sail University over six years ago – in the meantime we had sold out huge halls – now the circle is full “explains the Executive Vice-President of WWE.

While Raw, Smackdown and the PPVs move to the large Amway Center, NXT stays in Full Sail: “We just like that. We have a very special connection with the location, everything started here.”

Pat McAfee, a former football star, joins the ring. The ex-punter of the Indianapolis Colts competes against Adam Cole: “He really wants to know, you shouldn’t miss the match!”

Triple H also knows: “Corona is a huge challenge, especially for the young talents. We work all year round to get reactions and then it disappears completely. But I am very satisfied with how they have developed!”

The 30th edition of Takeover rises in the night from Saturday to Sunday – from midnight you can watch the spectacle at the WWE NEtwork!

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