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Tried for stabbing a man after a football match in Chartres: the thinness of the mobile intrigues

The nerves of Gaëlle Paris-Muller, the president of the Assize Court of Eure-et-Loir, where Ahy Arnaud Kegba, a 32-year-old Lucéen, has been tried since Tuesday, October 19, are put to the test.

This thirty-something is accused of attempted murder of a footballer, on June 22, 2019, after a football match, at the James-Delarue stadium, in Chartres. He will explain himself on Wednesday on the unfolding of the facts.

Throughout the investigation, the Lucéen kept proclaiming that, although he admits to having stabbed the victim, he would have committed this gesture within the framework of self-defense: assaulted with other men, all I did was defend myself. “The version of the victim, injured in the stomach, and who was then carrying his 3-year-old daughter in his arms, also injured, is very different:” At the end of the match in which I was playing, he came towards me. He wanted to talk to me. “

Chartres: the Lucéen suspected of stabbing a man after a football match is tried for attempted murder in front of the Assises

According to his statements, Tuesday, before the Assize Court, he would have followed the accused, whom he designates as his attacker, in the prefabricated clubhouse of the stadium.

“He took something out of his pocket. I didn’t see the knife, but it hit me several times in the stomach. I let go of my daughter and defended myself. “

“With forceps on each word”

It was on leaving the clubhouse, he explains, that he realized that he was injured in the abdomen, as well as his daughter, who has a slash in the left tibia. According to witnesses, he was then followed by the accused, who allegedly said: “I am going to finish you. “

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On what he suffered, the man is very precise. On the other hand, when it comes to the reasons for which he was assaulted, his statements are made a minimum. So much so that the president of the Assize Court declares: “It is with forceps on each word. According to the victim, a strange story of jealousy would be at the origin of the altercation between the two men. Ahy Arnaud Kegba would blame the footballer for having flirted with his partner … in 2013.

In January 2019, a first contact between the two men would have taken place in the parking lot of a supermarket, in Lucé.

“A man approached me,” says the victim. ” I did not know him. I thought he was confusing me with my brother, who I look like. He asked me to get in his car, reproaching me for having dredged his partner. He took me to his home. His girlfriend got off. I did not know her. “

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The companion of the accused, at the time, explained at the bar: “I ran into him two or three times, in a shisha bar and in the street, but we don’t know each other. “

It would therefore be this old story that would be at the origin of the stabbing. Listening to the many questions from the President and the Advocate General, no one really believes it. “But it is the only mobile that is advanced”, regrets Gaëlle Paris-Muller.

The only certainties of this strange file are the stab and the wound of the little girl. For the rest, everything is nebulous. A great battle of lawyers in perspective for Wednesday.

The verdict of the Assize Court is expected this evening.

Jacques Joannopoulos

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