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Tributes to the legend of Kabyle music multiply

The singer Idir, legend of Kabyle music, died at the age of 70 – 20 minutes

Tributes have multiplied since the announcement of the disappearance of the Algerian singer Idir, saluting the memory of the legend of Kabyle music. The famous performer In Vava Inouva, died Saturday in Paris at the age of 70, his family announced on Sunday. Idir, who had been hospitalized on Friday, died of a lung disease and should be buried in the Paris region, according to relatives.

In parallel with a rain of tributes on social networks, many personalities wanted to say goodbye to the singer, starting with Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune. “I learned with great sadness the news of the death” of Idir, “an icon of Algerian art”, he greeted in a tweet. “With his disappearance,
Algeria lose one of its monuments, “he added.

A “Kabyle star” has died

The president of the Departmental People’s Assembly of Tizi Ouzou, Idir’s native region, Youcef Aouchiche, hailed a singer “who will continue to illuminate the Algerian artistic sky […] by his music and his beautiful words ”.

The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, also paid tribute to the artist. “His humanist commitment, his commitment to Kabyle culture will remain in our hearts. Her magnificent voice will resonate for a long time at the town hall where so often we have celebrated the Berber New Year together, “she said on Twitter.

For Ferhat Mehenni, a famous singer exiled in France, Idir is “a Kabyle star illuminating the immensity of the universe”. “Idir, you will never die.” Through your melodies, you will continue to thrill generations. “

Another singer, Patrick Bruel, also praised the memory of the artist, with whom he made a duet. “The great voice of Kabylia goes away … I had the honor of sharing with this man of peace” the tears of their fathers ” This duo and this meeting will remain engraved. Goodbye sir, ”he wrote.



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