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Tribute to Kurdish activists Rojbîn, Sakine and Leyla in Rennes

On Saturday January 9, a demonstration took place in tribute to the three Kurdish activists Rojbîn, Sakine and Leyla, brutally murdered in the heart of Paris in 2013. While we know full well who the sponsors are, namely the Turkish power, justice is slipping . The UDB was represented in this event. We reproduce here the words of the representative of the Association des Amitiés kurdes de Bretagne, which perfectly summarizes the subject.

For 8 years, we have been asking for truth and justice for Rojbîn, Sakine and Leyla, brutally executed by the Turkish secret services, at the orders of Erdoğan.

The truth is now known: on January 9, 2013, Ömer Güney rang the doorbell of the Kurdistan Information Center, rue Lafayette in Paris. Güney, spy and undercover killer in the pay of MIT, the Turkish secret service, entered and killed Sakine Cansız, our friend Rojbîn and Leyla Saylemez with several bullets in the head. Rojbin was killed with a bullet in the mouth. They were helpless and were coldly slaughtered.

Güney was quickly arrested and jailed, because the French services are watching our Kurdish friends and all those who approach them, failing to first watch the assassins and MIT spies who circulate all over Europe.

Who gave the order? What role is Ismail Hakki Musa, at the time deputy director of MIT in charge of external operations? Two MIT officers, arrested by the PKK in northern Iraq in August 2017, corroborated the involvement of MIT’s highest hierarchy in this crime.

What happened to Ismail Hakki Musa? He was appointed Turkish Ambassador to Paris on November 12, 2016, and he is still there. This is yet another provocation from the Islamist dictator Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the very one who gave the real order, because nothing of this type can be undertaken by Turkey except on the orders of Erdoğan. , we know it, the French justice knows it, the pharmacies, the chancelleries all over the world know it. The French government cannot ignore it, cannot deny it.

So much for the truth. What about justice? Its slowness breeds impatience and suspicion. Public action ended with the death of Ömer Güney in prison on December 17, 2016. Lawyers for the families of the victims lodged a complaint with civil proceedings on February 22, 2017 and again in March 2018, in view of new revelations which accredit the responsibility of MIT in this matter. The case is ongoing, as they say, and an anti-terrorism judge was tasked on May 14, 2019 to resume the investigation to find the sponsors. But since… nothing. This new silence worries us.

If we are here today, as we have been every year at the same time since 2013, it is because we do not accept – and we will never accept – that this crime goes without continuation, once and for all. more. Because unfortunately in France the political assassinations of refugee opponents too often go unpunished: Ben Barka, Dulcie September, Ali Mécili, Henri Curiel, the Basque refugees murdered by the LAG … More than 50 assassinations have been committed by foreign services since 1965, most of them without legal action: although trials have rarely taken place and the executors convicted, the commissioning services have never been prosecuted, nor the governments giving orders. It’s enough !

We refuse that Sakine, Rojbîn and Leyla are any more names on this list! We demand justice! We demand that the chain of command of MIT be prosecuted and condemned, until Erdoğan! We demand sanctions against Turkey, this rogue state, and against its leaders, who are criminals! We demand that MIT be dismantled in France and in Europe, that its spies be neutralized, just like the Gray Wolves mafia and the Islamist AKP networks! We demand that the PKK be removed from the list of terrorist organizations and that it be recognized as a legitimate representative of the Kurdish people! We demand that the Kurdish resistance be protected and helped, here and in Kurdistan!

The truth will eventually triumph and history will judge and condemn the guilty. But that’s not enough, we are asking for justice now!

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